Distances. (Ed Sheeran FanFic)

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"Jesus Christ" I mutter under my breath as I walk into school for another day of hell at eight in the morning. I down the hallways and get to my locker and open it up. As I am putting my stuff in, I can sense the girls at the nearby lockers looking at me, judging me like always, like I don't belong. Which I don't, I can agree to that. I belong somewhere else. Not a not so very Catholic, Catholic High School, full of pot heads and thieves. 

They start muttering under the breath to each other. I know it's about me because they keep taking a glance. I just grab my books and slam my locker and start walking towards the staircase to get to my Chemistry class. I enter a couple minutes before the bell so I put my stuff on my desk and sit down. I pull out my iPod and listen to music. 

Flyfly by Ed Sheeran pours out of the earbuds. I start tapping pencil to the beat and muttering the lyrics to myself. 

There's a firefly,

Loose tonight,

Better catch it,

Before it burns this place down.

"Aurora please." Mr. Smith says gesturing to the my ears.

I pull them out noticing class has now started and I am slight embarrassed from the class' attention on me.

"Sorry Sir" I apologise. 

He nods and we start our introduction of the semester, it being the second semester of my 5th year- I decided I didn't want to go to college or university yet and stuck around. He goes on to ask everyone their names and what the want to do for a living. Some people did the stereotypical 'I want to be a Lawyer" or "I would like to be a Doctor." Till it came to this shaggy-hair brunette. 

"Um Hey I'm Dorian and I want to be a garbage man." He said.

everyone started laughing and I chriped in "Well they do get good money and it's a short day.."

He smiled at me for not laughing and standing up for his choice.

"Well Dorian, my friend is a garbage man and he gets a nice amount of money and the hours are like 6:30 to 2pm," Mr. Smith starts "You could do that in the morning and work nights at an university and teach Calculus. You could tell everyone 'Yeah I am a garbage man in the morning and I teach classes at the university at night... But my main career is garbage man.' and say it proud man." he finishs recieving laughs from everyone and me. 

We go back to it and then it's my turn. "Well I'm Aurora and I might like to be personal chef." I tell.

"Oh so like for the stars?" Someone asks.

"Well possibly.." I say.

"If you were a personal chef for anyone who would it be?" Mr. Smith's curiosity kicks in.

"Um I guess it be cool cooking for like Niall or Zayn from One Direction.." I answered.

"You got your work got out for you if you get Niall!" and girl from the back yells.

I snicker "Yeah that's the point, I want to always be cooking.. Not just a random sandwich from time to time." 

Everyone nodded.

"Alright Aurora was last so and we only have 5 minutes left of class.. I suppose you can speak amongst yourselves." Mr. Smith says sitting down.

Everyone gets up besides me. I don't really have friends in this class, yet and I am not one to go up to someone and beable to befriend them right on the spot, I guess you can say I am shy. I unlock my iPod and start flipping through twitter. Everyone is wishing Ed Sheeran a happy 22nd birthday. I get on and tweet "@EdSheeran Happy Birthday Ed" not mentioning anything if he recongnises me.

I met him same time last year.


It's -19 (-2 for you Americans xox) out. I was wearing layers of clothing. Long sleeve shirt, hoodie, Coat, Hat,scarf, jeans, and boots. I was walking down a street in Toronto with my cousin Alexx. Speaking about how funny it would be if Ed came out of one of the stores we were walking passed right now and we would of been oblivious. We turn into a Tim Hortons (For non-Canadians it's a coffee shop.) to warm up. We order cafe-mocha with extra whip cream as Alexx pays I scan the shop for a sit. I found one near the far end of it. I tell Alexx and she says she'll be right there she just needs to use the washroom for a second. So I take the drinks and walk towards the table I chosen. As I walk over I noticed a grey haired fimiliar man headed for the table also.

I get there first and sit on the bench down claiming it.

"Hey ma'am I am Stu-" He starts and I remember exactly.

He is Ed Sheeran's Manager.

"I-know-who-are." I tell him quickly.

"Oh well, I was going to ask if I use this table, Ed is coming back soon from the toliet and.."

"But Stuart there isn't anymore tables.." I point around "Though this table has.." I count each seat with my finger. " Four chairs open and a bench which can fit another person. I believe we can share. Correct?"

This is when Alexx comes back looking curiously at Stuart and then recongnises him. 

"Oh hey Stu- Stu" oh so casually like she knows him personally.

He looks at her and then back to me and points at her.

"My cousin Alexx." I tell him.

he nods. "Now there's only three seats and a extra spot on the bench." He says.

"Valid observation but it's only you and Ed here so it won't be a problem... Only if you want to have four chairs to yourself."

"Wait Ed's here too?" Alexx asks

"Yes.." Stuart says without looking at her.

This is where Ed comes in. "Hey Stuart. We can share the table it's cool." he says smiling.

Stuart sits down in a sit defeated and Ed sides next to me with his drink.

After a bit of silence of us all drinking and warming up Ed starts talking to Alex and me.

"Is it always this cold Canada.. Eh" he says with an adorable smile and puts his hands around his cup warming them.

Usually I would punch anyone who did a stereotype on Canada but he was just to adorable to punch, if I were to punch him it be like punching a new born puppy.

"Oh no. At least not where we are from.. You wouldn't know the towns they're pretty small, but it just pretty hot in the summer time." Alexx explains.

"Oh.. I might come back in the summer than. See if you guys are telling the truth or not." He winked at Alexx making her blush and excuse herself.

Ed starts laughing and turns to me "Would you do that also..?" He asks.

I slide my cup back and forth on the table. "I don't know will it?" I dared him.

"Probably not, you're too stunning probably winked at a lot by us men." He says.

"Well no, anyways I'm only 18." I confess but flattered that Ed finds me stunning.

"I don't believe it. I wasn't busy I would see if I could take you for dinner." He says.

I was taking a sip of my drink but at the moment he said that it was on Stuart. I stood up "I am so sorry Stuart." I apologised handing him thousands of napkins. Ed sitting there laughing at me. I was turning 20 shades of a red per second.

Alexx finally comes back and sees the chaos of Stuart with ot coffee on him and me giving him a tonne of napkins. 

"We should go." She said quickly and grabbed my wrist.

I nodded and we ran out.

"Wait!" Ed called out..

I turn around but I was pulled out the shop.

End of FlashBack

 The bell rings it's the end of period and time for the next.

Distances. (Ed Sheeran FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now