Unveiling Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Just be careful." Eria said, kissing him once more after he put on his coat.

"Eria, it's a couple of mermaids, it's not like I'm going after the Loch Ness monster. Although I'm sure Agnar would love that, at least the old Agnar would have." He said with a sigh. It had been a month since they'd discovered Agnar's condition. In that time his arm had healed, and he was more than ready to get back out there. Even if the prey they were after was Mermaids. He had to admit he was a bit apprehensive. He was surprised his father had sent them on this hunt. After all, it had been a mermaid that killed his uncle Ivor.

"I know that Kian, but you've only been healed for a short time, I worry, especially considering..." She cut off refusing to say it out loud again, he shook his head.

"You don't need to fear him Eria, Agnar is still Agnar, mostly." He was still the same in so many ways, had the same skills, the same voice. He missed his joking manner, he prayed the clan came up with a solution soon. The toll that Agnar's condition had taken on his sister was the most frightening. She was only eighteen, but the bags under her eyes made her look forty. She'd lost weight, and barely spoke to anyone.

All she did, day in and day out, was pour over tome after tome, looking for something to explain what had happened to Agnar. "Mom thinks getting him out on a hunt may stir something, give him a sense of normalcy in his life. Normal for Agnar is killing things, wow that sounds weird." He said with a little laugh. He kissed her cheek. "I love you, everything will be just fine I promise. I'll call you tonight." He looked down when something bumped into his leg, he placed a hand on Buddy's head.

"We'll be back soon." He said using his magic, he used to find this difficult. He'd never been strong in his magic before Turid and Agnar's departure last year, he never really practiced. Now talking to animals was second nature to him, a lot of his magic was. Still he wished he'd been more practiced when Cable was alive, he would have loved to have had more conversations with him.

'Other man watch over man?' He nodded.

"It's going to be okay Buddy, lady and man will be back to normal soon." His sister's condition was hard on the whole family, the dog included. He patted him on the head again before turning and cupping Eria's face in his hands. He placed a kiss on her lips before kissing her on the nose. Then he turned to open the door. "Jesus!" He jumped, Agnar was standing in the doorway, right in the doorway.

"I startled you." Agnar stated, matter of factly taking two steps back. Kian shook his head no but instead responded with.

"You think?"

"I heard voices and didn't want to interrupt. I'm, sorry?" He said the last part as if it were a question. Kian shook his head.

"Come on, let's go." He walked out and looked at his car. "My car or yours?" The old Agnar would have insisted on using his car. He had a bit of an issue with control. Not when it came to his sister though he noted with relief, he wouldn't have stood for that. It was more like a need to be in control of every situation.

"Mine is roomier, yours gets better gas mileage, also I think your heater works better." He nodded.

"As cold as it is, we'll go for the better heater. Get your stuff ready, is Sis home? I was going to stop by before we left."

"She is with your mother. She wasn't feeling well this morning so I took her there." He froze.

"Is she okay?"

"She had a bad headache, I'm pretty sure it's from not sleeping in three days."

"It's been three days?" He nodded, Kian had to remind himself that Agnar couldn't help it. That it wasn't his fault that he said this matter of factly. Still as the person he'd always counted on to care about her the most, his uncaring attitude made him want to punch him in his damned mouth. "Get your stuff. I'll be back." He snapped, turning and heading toward his parents room. When he got there he knocked lightly and his mother opened the door, she looked exhausted, and rather than welcome him in she stepped out closing the door behind her.

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