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I wonder if I will look back at all those times I wasted time in front of the computer and say I didn't waste anytime. I wonder if this all will pay off. I wonder what I will achieve in life. I wonder if I will ever find someone compatible with me. I wonder who my soul mate is, if I ever find one. I wonder if I will ahieve greatness. I wonder if I will live a life to remeber. I wonder if people will remeber me. I wonder if my dreams will become a reality. I wonder...

"Britney" My brother banged on my door. I sighed and turned off my music. "What?" I yelled through the door. "Mom and I are leaving, are you gonna come?" I went to the door and opened it. "Where are you going again?" I asked leaning aganist the door mantle. He gave me a look as if he was suprised I forgot already.

"We are gonna see dad." He said looking down. "And mom's going?" I gave him a skepical look and tried to close the door on him but he put his arm in the way. "But, I wanna see him." I nodded. "I'm gonna see him soon anyway." I shut the door on him and he didn't make a move to stop me.

I heard his footsteps walk away. I sighed and flopped back down on my bed.

I felt bad. Hes just a 14 year old boy who wants to see his dad with his sister. And even tho she's 17, he still wants it to be the good old days.

I rolled over on my bed. I would have had a better relationship with my brother, Hudson. But of course divorce happened. He was little when it happened. He was 9 and I was 12. I understood it more.

Most siblings get closer after divorce but, I've just become negative. And it's sad, because I dont wanna be like that. I walked over to my window and watched Hudson get in the car with my mom.

Before getting into the car he looked up and saw me. I couldn't bear to look at him anymore. The poor little boy.

I decided to not lay around my house another day in pajamas listening to rock music. I changed into leggings and a sweater and put on a button up coat and a beanie since it was nearing the end of winter and it was still cold.

I got outside and felt the wind blow my hair. I made my way to the park. It was a short walk, my friends and I used to always hang out there.

I sat down on a bench and looked out the water. In the summer the park was an ideal place to be since it was so close to the beach. I looked around me and there were people walking around, some walking dogs, jogging, couples walking hand in hand with each other and people listening to music.

I wonder if I will ever be completely happy. I wonder if I will find someone who would walk with me on a late brisk winter day. I wonder if anyone will ever love me. I wonder is Hudson would ever forgive me. I wonder what my family thinks of me right now. I wonder what I will do with my life.

I was so lost in my thoughts, like I always am, that I barley noticed a boy in a leather jacket sit down next to me. He left a space in between us.

I figured he just wanted to sit. I contuied to look out at the water and wonder. I remembered the memories my friends and I used to have at that beach.

I wonder if I will ever have fun with my friends again.

"What are you thinking about?" A heavy British accent startled me. I looked at the boy next to me who was starring intently at me.

His face was relaxed, he looked very tan, he had black hair styled into a quiff with brown eyes. Basically he was perfect.

I stammered as he waited for a response. "I'm Zayn" He held out his hand. I looked down at it and shook his hand. He shook my hand lightly as not to startle me and held my hand not too tight and not too loose.

"Britney." I replied and smiled. We released hands and looked back at the water. "There's just alot going on." I looked back at him. He nodded, "I understand."

I was shocked by those words. Ive never heard those words truthfully. Ive never heard anyone say that who actually understands. He wasn't sarcastic and he wasn't just saying it. He actually meant it.

I tried to keep the conversation going and not keep it on the topic of the sadness in my life. "How come I've never seen you around?" I looked directly at him, I couldn't resist. He was so flawless and handsome. He chuckled and I saw his smile. It was the most beautiful thing ever.

"I just moved here." Now it was his turn to look out to the water, I was still starring at him. His profile was so appealing. I just wanted to touch his face and trace out all his features. He was one of those people you see and you don't think they could be real.

As I was starring at his black hair I noticed he had a ear piercing. It gave him a sexy and edgy look. The look about him wasn't baby cute but more like sexy and severe, almost a mysterious feel.

He looked back at me, he could tell I was starring. "What were you looking at love?" His accent was making me melt. "Oh sorry, I couldn't help but notice your piercing." I stammered. "Do you have another one?" He smiled at my random question.

"They're both pierced but I take one out ocassionaly. Do you have a thing for piercings on guys?" I laughed a bit and could feel myself blushing. "I like them, yes."

I started to look around me. "Britney." He said, I quickly turned around, glad he remebered my name. "I like you." I felt myself blushing and before I could say anything he cut me off. "And I don't say that to everyone, trust me." I nodded showing him I understood.

"I don't know anyone here and you're the first person I've met and you really facinate me. Just your whole vibe. Like you have so many secrets, I just want to discover them. You have alot of depth, which is a good thing, I just want to make sure this isn't the last time we talk." He finished with a smile which caused me to smile too.

A real genuine smile one I havent in a long time.

I wonder if he is the one. I wonder if he really means that. I wonder why I just asked myself that,, obviously he means it. I wonder how he can be so perfect.

"Zayn, I can assure you this will not be the last time we talk." He smiled and I smiled back at him.

"Do you wanna take a walk?" I suggested. "That sounds nice." He replied standing up and waiting for me to come and join him. I was still overwhemled by how thick his accent was. "Where did you move from?" I said getting up next to him and we walked together to the path.

"Bradford, England."

Suddenly he grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this. I've been Zayn af and had the best idea ever for a fanfic! Hope you guys like it. Vote comment and add to your library

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