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I rolled my eyes when she came over. "Hi." She said in her fake girly voice and she batted her eyelashes, I mean I love Cat, but honestly she can get on my nerves sometimes.

Zayn starred blankly at her and ran his hands through his hair again unsure of what to do. He hesitantly took his schedule off the desk and shoved it in his bag.

"What's your name again?" Cat said leaning in closer to him.

Zayn zipped up his bag. "My name's Zayn."Cat gave me a look as if she was "winning him over". "Cat don't you think you should be going?" More people were walking into class now.

She gave me a evil look, which I've never seen her give me a look like that before. "Bye Zayn." She winked and walked out flipping her hair. I sighed and turned to Zayn.

"Sorry for her, I don't know what got into her. I sat the 3rd seat to the back and Zayn said in the desk next to me. I saw everyone looking at him as they walked in, muttering to their friends about the boy sitting next to me.

I tried to distract Zayn from the people around him. I felt worried for him, his worries were rubbing off on me.

Before class I would usually sit there and think while everyone around me was caught up in their own social lives, I would pretend to listen while in reality I would be wondering about every possible thing imaginable.

Another one of my best friends Sophia sat in front of me."Who's that?" She whispered to me. "Um my friends" I studdered shifting my gaze back to Zayn again who was playing with a loose string at the bottom of his shirt.

I wonder what everyone is thinking of me right now. I wonder what everyone is thinking of Zayn. I wonder what Zayn is thinking right now.

When everyone else was in their own conversations I took the opportunities to talk to Zayn privately. "Hey Zayn" I said getting his attention. He looked up and dropped his hands to his legs. His eyes making direct contact with mine. I was slightly taken aback by the immediate response I had received from him.

"Are you okay?" I whispered, so no one else would be able to judge him for being nervous. He hesitantly nodded his head. It was quite adorable. "You sure?" I pushed wanting to make sure he was completely okay. "I'll be fine Britney." His lips curved into a smile when he said my name which caused me to smile in return.

"I'm here for you Bradford boy." I joked. This earned a small chuckle from him. The class started up and when the teacher addressed Zayn as being the new kid everyone's eyes was on him.

I felt really bad. Even though I had only known Zayn for about a day I knew he was nervous when everyone's attention was on him. The only think he said was "yeah" when our teacher asked if he was Zayn Malik.

We contuied our lesson from last week while Zayn struggled to understand what we were even learning. I felt an enormous pang of pity watching him try to grasp the concepts.

Luckily the bell rang and Zayn as well as everyone else shot out of their seats. "Zayn" I said throwing my bag on my back and standing by his side. "Do you want me to help you after school or something?" I asked my voice soft and conciderate.

He shoved the papers he got in his bad and quickly zipped it up. "Would you really want to do that?" He asked laughing a bit.

I wonder if he completely forgot about yesterday. I wonder if he could tell how interested I was in him already. I wonder if he was really this shy person that I saw him as. I wonder if he was actually just like Harry and using this fake persona as a disguise.

"Yeah of course" I replied with a smile heading towards the door with Zayn following.

I headed to my next class and groaned at the thought of it. Of course, it was the one with Harry. Zayn stayed right behind me, I would glance back at him every so often making sure he was there and he always was, looking down. Just from a distance I could see his beautiful long eyelashes brushing up aganist his upper cheek.

I wonder if Zayn knew how beautiful he was.

"Here we are" I announced stretching my arm open to the classroom. I saw Zayn's lip curve at the end, to give me a small smile. Of course this caused me to smile back. He stood next to me waiting for me to walk in before him. "Ladies first" he said, only loud enough so I could hear.

I could feel my cheeks reddening after he said that, I played with my hair out of a sub-conscious habit. Once we were seated I leaned over to him, "The guy I was telling you about yesterday is in this class."

As soon as I said that I saw his face turn into the one I saw yesterday. The one who I thought belonged to a dare devil. The one who reached out and took my hand with no second thoughts. "I'm sorry." He said sincerely. His accent making an appearance again.

I shook my head. "It's fine." I mumbled brushing it off. "Try to figure out who it is" I winked at him, making a game out of it, trying to figure out who was the biggest player in the grade.

I was too distracted talking to Zayn I didn't even see Harry walk in. I rolled my eyes at the sight of him. If I'm being honest, I was still bitter about it. But I'm known to hold grudges, for example my dad.

I wonder if Harry ever thinks about me. I wonder why I'm still wondering. It's not that I have feelings for him anymore. I definitely don't.

I shook myself out of my thoughts and continued to glare at him. His curly hair a mess around his face, but for some reason he still managed to look as though he had people working on it for hours. When we were together I used to love his hair, he always kept it at the right length, just enough to see his curls but not too much that it's longer than mine. Frankly now it was getting longer than mine. A look that strongly turned me off, but apparently all the girls loved it.

I felt my eyebrows furrow in confusion when about 3 girls crowded around him. One with her hand on his upper arm. The other leaning her elbows on his desk. And the third trying desperately to start up a conversation with him. But he was more interested in talking to his best friend Liam Payne.

I wonder why I'm so bitter about Harry. I did love him, and he did love me. What we had was real for the 2 years we had it. But he completely changed. I wonder why I'm so affected.

A/n: I wanted to end it here. I feel like this is getting good. So please add to your library, vote and comment. Plus a lot more Britney and Zayn romance coming also drama w Harry

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