chapter 20

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Next day taehyung got a call from the hospital.

" Hello is this Kim Taehyung speaking??" Asked the receptionist.

" Yess it's me." Replied Taehyung.

" Sir I wanted confirm from your side that if you know that Mr Jeon Heejae have paid for the surgery of Mr.Kim seokjin." Said the receptionist.

"Soo they paid." Thought Taehyung.

" Yess they are my relatives." Said Taehyung. Ofcourse now he is part of Jeon's.

" Sure sir. Mr. Seokjin's surgery is scheduled to begin tomorrow 12pm in afternoon." Said the receptionist.

" Thankyou" said Taehyung and ended the call.

As soon as the cll ended, he again got a call from the Jeon's.

" Hello tae I am Eunhi speaking." Said Eunhi.

" Yess mam." Said Taehyung.

" Oh please now you have to call me eomma or mom okay we are family now." Said Eunhi.

Mom the word he isn't said or experience from past 3 yrs.

"M-mom" said Taehyung.

Eunhi smiled and said," good. Soo I called you to inform that the money has been paid to the hospital."

" Yes ma-mom I got the call." Replied Taehyung.

" Good. Can you come home today?? We can discuss about the wedding and you can meet Jungkook too." Said Eunhi.

Wedding?? Meeting jungkook?? For the first time face to face???

"O-okay mom when s-should I come?" Asked Taehyung stuttering.

" Umm how about come for dinner??" Asked Eunhi.

" Okay in afternoon I will go meet my hyung." Said Taehyung.

He maid a quick plan in his mind spending lunch time with his hyung before everything.

" Great" said Eunhi and ended the call.

Taehyung immediately looked at the clock saying 11:30am.

"Let's get fresh up, cook some food for our luch date and meet hyung." Said Taehyung to himself.

At perfect 1pm taehyung left his home for hospital.

After reaching the hospital room's door of his hyung. He knocked on it.

Recieving a 'come in' he went inside. He saw his hyung reading a magazine.

" Oh hello Taebaby." Said Jin.

" Hello hyung" saying taehyung sat down on the stool.

He opened the luch boxes and handed one to his hyung and took one for himself.

He opened the luch boxes and handed one to his hyung and took one for himself

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