Chapter 50

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" Noo don't say anything. Whatever you want you will get" said jin sternly.

This made Jungkook look at him.

"What do you mean hyung??" Asked Jungkook.

"You wanted divorce right don't worry I will tell or maybe force taehyung to sign the papers. I won't let my brother suffer because of this deal." Said Jin.

This made Jungkook lost everything.

"No no no hyung"mumbled Jungkook in fear.

Loosing taehyung noo he can't even think of this.

As jin was still standing near him, there was only a option left for him and he did it.

He directly bowed down fully to jin. This caused Jungkook to fell down from the wheelchair with his legs lying lifeless and he hold Jin's leg.

" Noo hyung please please don't do t-this p-please." Cried Jungkook.

When Jungkook bowed down deeply this made jin baffled.

He immediately Crouched down and made Jungkook seat properly on the floor and sat down with him.

Jin is scary but he isn't heartless.

He is angery but not merciless.

He saw how badly Jungkook was crying firsts when he heard he is Taehyung's first love and now when he said to leave taehyung.

Jungkook was crying badly so jin hugged him tightly.

"H-hyung pl-please don't do this p-please. I k-know i-i was in f-fault, I-i am sorry h-hyung. I-i love taehyung s-so much so m-much." Cried badly Jungkook.

"Shuu" said Jin.

"H-hyung I-i am trying to m-mend everything. I-i wanna have a g-good life with t-taehyung. Please h-hyung help me. D-don't separate me please." Said Jungkook.

" He i-is my h-husband h-hyung I l-love him h-hyung please." Requested Jungkook.

This made jin quiet.

Jungkook wiped his tears away and pulled back from the hug.

" Hyung I-i *takes a deep breath* Hyung i promise I will take care of Taehyung from now on.  He has done alot for me. It's just I was blinded by the fake love. "

He chuckled, " I ignored him but his importance was known to me when he left me, when he had that big fight."

"He is the one for me hyung, i know j have done alot of mistakes and I want to mend Everything. Please hyung you are the one who can help me. Please"

" I don't want to snatch his happiness I wanna make him happy. I only see myself with him Hyung. I love him." Said Jungkook pleading.

He looked pleadingly in Jin's eyes asking for forgiveness.

"It's not me who will forgive you Jungkook, it's taehyung." Said Jin.

Jungkook looked down thinking, were he went wrong.

"But i will help you." Said Jin.

This immediately made Jungkook's head rose up.

"Really hung" he smiled brightly showing his bunny teeth.

"Yes i will help you cause i see the regret and love for my brother. But if you mess up again i will be the one to take taehyung away from you." Said Jin threatening.

Jungkook smiled widely.

"Thankyou so so much Hyung." Said Jungkook.

"But but-" said Jin.

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