What Happened to Drake?

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"Nooa!! Shit!! Shit! Come on, Rayyy! Now we have no clue!! and another trouble for our Friend!" Noah said with anxiety."We already don't know what to do! Now another prob is standing in our queue!!" Rac head palmed."We have a clue! Let's clear the queue by that!" Ray answered both in a single line."What? Wha- what is the clue??" Noah collapsed."It's VEILMEND!""Yeah, Drake said it repeatedly, but we don't know what's it!?" Rac collapsed what Ray is telling."What do you get through it, Ray!""Do you remember it, Noah! You thrice are noticing the Black Long car. When you said, It's Bearing a logo, WHITE MEN! there in the number plate, I have noticed VL it means VEILMEND." Ray linked with the past."Oh! But are you sure? Where can find it?""The only one seen the place is Drake, But now we cut off the signal!!" Racheal murmured.Suddenly, "Let's move! we have not enough time!" Rayon alarmed them."What?? Where?" Noah asked."Get your Cycle! Let's move!" Rayon repeated."Ugh!! Guys, I can't come cuz Alhuf is working on a new experiment! I hh-have to check it....""Yes, right! Can't trust the man! You stay in the Shawkin's lab!""Wait, One minute! ...... No no noo! You guys move on! Nothing!!" Racheal threw a tracker on Ray's back."Ugh! Bye! Meet you if we were alive!" Noah quoted.At VEILMEND,"Dr. Starway, We lost the signal!! What do we do now?" Walrex, scientist of White Men."Wait for the order from the SPACEMEN," Starway said to him and started typing something on-screen which his research is going on.A beep sound receive to Walrex, "Dr. Starway, He said to check out what it is!" shouted from his place."Then, get your goats and hunt it!" "Urgh! Okay, Hey you!!" Walrex called two men."YEESS, Walrex! Now, what's our work!!!!!!" shouted coarsely to him."Starway told correctly! Go and check..................." Walrex ordered them to check what is it."Хорошо!!" An answer came out from them.Noah and Rayon arrive at the place where the signal cut off."Do you know for sure? Is this is the place?!" Noah questioned."Yeah! I followed the black car on that day! It arrived this place." "Don't you have informed us?" "Nothing seemed wrong, so I went from here!""You nerd!"Ray shrugged."Heyyyy! Look there, it's Drake!" Rayon ran quick and lifted him."H- He fainted!" "Yes! Grab the water from your backpack!" "Here..""Drr-Drake!! Wake up, wake up!!!" Rayon splashed water at Drake's face. He slowly opened his eyes and cuddled them."It's Danger, Ray! They are coming for us!" Drake said them."Yeah, I know! Where's your Walkie Talkie?""Here," He gives him up. Rayon inserted something that's like a chip."Okay! Come on, Let's move out here!" Rayon switched on it and threw it on the land."We're moving to?" Noah collapsed again that what Ray is doing and gonna do."Wait and Watch!"The Black car arrives there, the two-man came out and "Мне скучно! Пойдем посмотрим, что там, черт возьми!""Хм, да! Посмотри, что-то похоже на коробку." They spoke each other with Russian.Rayon clicks a button, "BBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!" A large sound and light blasted. "Woaah! Rayon, Is it a BOMB?""No, It acts like a bomb, but it's just a light with sound!""Then, Where did the smoke come from?" Drake asked."It's just a gas which makes them faint.""You little shit made this??" both of them grinned. Ray smiled and said, "Our work is not yet finished. Come on, get into their van!!""Your moves are collapsing and clever! We can't get it, Ray!!" Noah kidded him."Hmm, Faster!!! Get into the van...."

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