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"Ой! Что, черт возьми, здесь произошло !!" said the first man."Итак, что мы собираемся сказать нашему боссу?" he asked to him."Там ничего не было!"Their conversation ended then, got inside the car. When they entered the car, Rayon opened his translator."Что это за штука взорвалась?" (translator beeps: What is the thing that exploded?)"Это что-то вроде бомбы, но никаких повреждений от нее!" (translator beeps: It's kind of Bomb but no damages from it!)"Может это дымовая шашка" (at the translator: Maybe it's a smoke bomb). The first man nodded to the second. They entered their secret base."I'm Dr. Walrex's Assistant, Password: Земля для нас" (Earth for us). The gate opened then the assistants went to their places. At the car, "Who's is this Walrex?" Noah asked."What language they're speaking?" Drake asked."Maybe he is the boss! and It's Russian!" Ray answered."What!! They are Russians?" Drake ad Noah are shocked."We want to find the Walrex to find SIMON!" Ray slowly viewed outside of the window of the car."There are Securities! A bunch!!" Drake said."Maybe, We will wait until it becomes dark!" this time plan was planned by Noah.At the base room,"Dr. Walrex, Nothing was there!" The assistant said chorus."What? then the signal?""Must be any human's mobile or machine's fault!" "Okay! I will tell it to Dr.Starway! Go and Complete your remaining works.""It's our time! Let's move outta here!" Drake said."Yeah! But see, there's a security cam in each direction." Noah replied with him a question."We don't have any other choice! We move towards in one direction!" Rayon planned."But what if we got stuck??""If we are lucky, If no one saw us! We will escape!" unsurely said, Rayon."I have a plan Ray, from us, two will go out and search for Simon. Another one went on the search of Walrex." Rayon was surprised by Noah's Plan and agreed with him."Okay! Right, I will go with Noah! Rayon, you go for Walrex." Drake said with curiosity."Guys, Our plans are nice, but how do we get off from this van! It's Locked!!!!!" Noah embarrassed.

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