Chapter Fourteen

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Fourteen: Suggestions to Regain

Hermione apparated in front of an apartment slash community. She walked to one particular flat on the second floor. When she saw the door number, she knocked it.

It was a grey overcast day with less wind. Coldness was present in the atmosphere and the brunette could not help but pull her coat tighter to hug her body. She looked around once more before the door opened and the familiar face of her sister-in-law and best friend appeared. Hermione swallowed as she took in her best friend's appearance.

Ginny had red eyes and dried tear stains. Her usually straight hair was disheveled and she looked sad. . . extremely sad.

"Oh, Ginny!" Hermione said before she leaped and hugged her best friend tightly. Ginny hugged back but pulled away to let her in. Hermione took sight of Ginny's flat.

It was small yet tidy. Nothing much or fancy decorated the flat. It was simple yet elegant and the walls were painted green and brown. Some furniture stood here and there and some files littered the study. There were photos of the Weasleys. Some were family photos mostly taken during weddings whilst some contained Ginny and her brothers. Some contained Ginny with her friends and with her colleagues whilst others contained Teddy. Hermione knew that deep down, Ginny still loved Harry's godson, Teddy. Some more photos contained the now Weasley generation kids and Ginny's sister-in-laws. Hermione noticed her photo there as well.

"Want anything to drink, Hermione?" Ginny asked tiredly. Hermione turned away from the photos and saw that Ginny had applied a quick rejuvenating charm on herself. She frowned.

"No, thanks, Ginny."

"Are you angry on me or something?" Ginny asked, frowning as well. Hermione shook her head.

"No, why do you ask?"

"You usually have sugarless tea when you come over."

Hermione let out a small chuckle though it came out as a snort. "No Ginny. I'm not hungry. So, how are you?"

"I'm fine."

"No, you are not!"

"If you knew the answer, why did you ask?" Ginny asked, sarcastically. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"It is known as politeness. Anyways, let's get into the story. I have something important to do and your story will be my answer," Hermione said. Ginny raised her eyebrows.

"What has my story got to do anything with your case?" she asked, curiously.

"I will explain after you explain," Hermione replied sternly. Ginny sighed and sat down on the couch. Hermione sat beside her and waved her wand as two sealed bottles of butterbeer came out from her handbag. She opened them and gave one to Ginny and took the other for herself. Ginny took a swig from the Wizarding drink and started her story.

"Hermione, I work in a muggle office by name Smithson and Co. You know that, right?" she asked. Hermione nodded.

"You told me once," the older girl said and Ginny nodded, hiding half of her face using the bottle. When Hermione compelled her to tell, she started again.

"Apparently, Harry joined the same office a few months ago as a receptionist. I knew this as my co-worker was a receptionist as well and you know, I'm sneaky."

Hermione laughed. "You sure are when you can sneak out and fly using a broomstick without anyone noticing."

Ginny smiled before continuing. "I tried avoiding him. . .rather, I avoided him. To avoid him, I used glamour charms and what not? It was going all well until my friend, the other receptionist decided to make us meet. Again, to avoid this I used a-an Obliviate charm on her and modified her memory to make her think that my name was Serena Keith. Unfortunately, she had already mentioned to Harry about me and well. . .he knew that it was me. Besides, he's an auror!"

"Was," Hermione corrected.

"He did tell me that he resigned. I thought he was lying. . .?" Ginny looked at Hermione for confirmation. She shook her head.

"No, he was telling the truth. He resigned two years ago. As soon as he was released because he did not want to work with the ministry again."

Ginny looked down. Noticing this, Hermione took Ginny's hand in hers and squeezed it gently. Ginny nodded and continued her story again. "We met and as soon as my friend walked out, he summoned my wand, locked the door and placed the silencing charm on the room. I-I was frightened by this. What if he was angry at me and was about to attack me? I-I panicked and I could not think straight. You know, I developed this muggle disease called nervous breakdown. I-it started after his arrest. I got really moody and sullen that I shut everyone out and became what I am now."

Hermione's eyes softened and misted over.

"I understand. He shouldn't have approached like that," Hermione consoled. Ginny shook her head.

"He apologized. A lot but as I told, I was totally out of my brain by then. I tried to put up a tough demeanor and. . .well, he seemed really depressed about his fault for admitting his mistake. He talked really emotionally and I-I could not quite let everything he said sink in by the time he asked me to lead a life with him. . .He promised that he would never leave me and I was ready to forgive him but I-I don't know! I don't understand why! I don't -" and Ginny broke into tearless sobs. Hermione immediately pulled her close and tried to console her by rubbing her back. "I should have never rejected him! It is all my mistake. If only I was a bit more intelligent. . . I am such a dumb woman, Hermione! I let several people down! My friends, my family, Teddy and mainly, Harry! I deserve some severe punishment, Hermione-" Ginny wailed.

"Shush! You don't, Ginny. Everyone makes mistakes and even you did. Do not worry, there's plenty of time and we can fix it. I will help you. Ron will help you. Your family is always open to help you. Teddy will have a nice future right after you both reunite. Remember, we are in this together!" Hermione consoled.

"I-I don't think we have much time left, Hermione. Harry. He said that I would not be seeing him by the break of the dawn. D-Did that mean that he would move on and settle with someone else?" Ginny asked, her brown eyes filled with unshed tears. Her lips were quivering unsteadily.

"No, Ginny. Harry had his eyes for you and only you. He will not do that. I know that. He's like a brother to me and he's my best friend! We will find him. I need to send Ron a message. We just visited Harry's flat and well. . .it was a mess - accidental magic due to rage, most probably. Come on, let's meet up with your brother and see if we have more clues to find Harry," saying so, Hermione hugged the younger girl tightly one last time before pulling away and casting her otter patronus.

"Go, find Ron and ask him to meet me at Linson's Café," Hermione said to the patronus. It bowed before leaving. "Come on, Ginny. We are going to find your love."

Mmm. . . Did you like this chapter? Next one is gonna be Ron Weasley on the Case! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

One a small note, I request my readers to please check out Marina's fantasy slash action novel named, 'The Warrior Princess'. She's low on inspiration and she would like it if you guys would give her a constructive criticism about her story. It's an amazing one, I bet it! Please help her!

I think the story is sort of nearing it's end. Let me see how long I write, haha. Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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