001 : strange man

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(i'm gonna keep using these gifs)

YOU arrived in parking of the store, as you were walking of course you were half-asleep you slipped and fell backwards onto your back

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YOU arrived in parking of the store, as you were walking of course you were half-asleep you slipped and fell backwards onto your back...on the hard concrete ground. You let out a painful groan, as you lifted your head upwards and saw what you slipped on...a can of witch brew.
You then saw the vending machine you fell in front was pushed over and cans of sodas were all over the parking lot.

You let out a sigh, getting up and rubbing your back-side..this was just a great start to your day ain't it?
You spent about a few minutes of collecting all the sodas and bringing it inside the store, it was kinda hard unlocking the door but you managed.
You relaxed against the counter still slightly tired, you stood there listening to the music that played through the speakers. While you spaced out staring off to no where in general a costumer came into the store.
A loud "AHEM" snapped you back as you glanced at the tall lanky man...who strangely wore a long jacket? Like those detectives in old films and comics...he wore a hat too. His stare made you feel uneasy and uncomfortable, you gave him a small nervous smile. He slammed down a missing poster on the counter.

The sudden action made you jump a little and you instantly felt embarrassed but you shook it off and stared down at the poster. It was Jerry, the co-worker that went missing but with swift motion he moved it showing more posters underneath.
"Did or do you know any of these people?" his voice was raspy and deep, you glanced at the posters and shook your head.

"No but..I knew of Jerry but I wasn't working around here that time he was here, but the Cashier might know him." You explained.
"Cashier? Is that an actual-"
"Yes that's his actual name" You cut the man off, but he didn't look too pleased with the cut off.
"Ahem, anyways was that all?" You asked hoping he'd say yes but he sighed and placed a water and sandwich on the counter. You quickly rang them both in and he paid before leaving with the posters grumbling to himself.

That was an interesting event, you didn't even know people were still looking for Jerry but deep down you hoped they'd find him safe and sound.
Enough of sad thoughts get to work! You sighed walking over to the broom closet- BROOM CLOSET?! Since when did the store have a broom closet? You stood there as you hesitated to open the door but you opened it, of course it had cleaning supplies but it had a garden gnome and a bucket which had a sticker on it.
You walked into the closet and there was the voiced you heard but you ignored it, you grabbed the bucket.

There was a familiar feeling as you held it, you turned it over 'property of stanley' who the hell was stanley? You furrowed your brows but a sudden crash made you jump and run out of the closet holding the bucket tightly.
You saw a kid on the ground with a bunch of soda cans scattered around him, you glanced at the counter seeing the sodas you collect outside was gone. You instantly knew what happened... this little shit was trying to steal the sodas but failed. The kid let out a groan, you walked over with the bucket still in your hand and gave the kid a smug grin while you looked down at him.

"Well well well..what do we have here? A little shithead" You kept grinning.
"Oh shut up.." the kid glared.
"Next time do better stealing kid," You said as you began putting the sodas into the bucket you held, they all fit perfectly.

After awhile of the kid just laying on the floor he finally sat up and got off the floor. You sighed and said "I'm starting to feel bad now, here have a gum for free" you tossed a gum package at him, he caught it.
He didn't seem too happy still, you stopped sorting the candy and said "look kid I'm letting you go for this 'trying to steal sodas' thing."
He just glared at you before giving you the finger and running out the store which stood. You stood there in annoyance of the kid.

Not too long cashier walked in, he walked over to the counter and rested his elbows on it.
"What's this?" he pointed at the bucket full of sodas, you stood up and walked over.
"Just some sodas from the vending machine but some little shit tried stealing them just earlier, and i found the bucket in...the broom closet" you pointed over at the mystery door that appeared just recently.
"Didn't know we had closet" he mumbled. You sighed and said "That reminds me, a detective looking dude came by, asking about some missing people which included Jerry." Cashier stayed silent staring down at the counter "I..I think he wants to talk to you now, I don't know when he'll come back so a little heads up."
"Great," he sighs rubbed his face, of course you felt bad the dude. The poor dude seemed like he never got sleep like ever... wonder if he has sleeping problems?

 wonder if he has sleeping problems?

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i might have changed mind on the whole not having a plot thing
yeah i know cashier was barely in those chapters but i promise to try and put in this more lol
i should probably change the book title to something else...


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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