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Chapter One

I never wanted to end up in the street. I wish I knew that being who I was wouldn't be the reason I got kicked out of my home because of my homophobic parents.

Every night on the street, I wished for a better life and in some ways I did get one but in others it was a nightmare. She is my world and my hell. She owns me yet I have no claim on her. She is the scariest mob boss in Australia and I am at her mercy.

I guess I should take you back to the begin, what lead me to her.

One year ago...

I tried to find spots that no one went to, every night to sleep at, the last thing I wanted was to get into a fight with someone protecting their territory. Or worse get killed by a drug delivery. Life on the street wasn't safe. But it is my only choice.

I found myself on the street at the age of 15, I'm now 19 and tired. I don't know how much more I can handle. Maybe that's why I end up in this situation that I am in right now.

I find myself frozen in shock from the murder that I just witnessed, they are currently threatening the murdered persons friend that still owes them money. I don't know what for as all I can think about is not breathing or making a single sound.

When they throw the guy into the dumpster that I am caught behind I can't help but let out a whimper.

I hope that my whimper blends into the man's moans of pain. They are kicking the shit of him. I can see that he is being beaten up right next to his dead friend, reminding me how serious this situation is. And that most likely will end with my life taken.

I close my eyes and zone out into my head, hoping that when I open them again it was all a bad dream. Unfortunately, when I open then I am met with these menacing dark green eyes of one of the thugs.

He grins at me looking me up and down.

"Lookie what I found, Joe" the disgusting man, grins out.

While the thug looks over at Joe, I decide to sprint between the dumpster and the stupid thug.

As I approach the exit to the alley, I trip over going face first into the pavement. As I scramble up a hand grabs my collar.

I expect to see one of the men but much to my surprise it's a woman.

"My my, what are you running from little girl." She smirks out, I almost whimper in fear.

"Nothing, please let me go" I plead, while trying to wriggle out of her hold.

"Not so fast, little girl. I want to talk with you first."

"No please no, leave me alone, I won't say anything, I promise."

"Aw aren't you cute." She replies as I am grabbed and lifted up by the two thugs I was just running from.

"Take her back to the clubhouse I will meet you there." She growls before walking off.

I start struggling trying to get out of their grips but it is impossible, I am too small, and they are too strong.

"Stop struggling, or this is going to hurt more," thug two says, my reply is to spit into his face.

"Oh, now you are gonna get it bitch." He growls while thug one aka Joe, restrains my arms behind me.

Thug one then backhands me, not the first time I have been hit so I joke out, "You hit like a girl."

He doesn't really like that so his reply is to punch me in the stomach. I cough up blood but smirk at him.

"Got to hit harder if you want to prove your man hood," I smirk out.

His face turns red from anger and he goes to punch me in the face but I duck my head. His fist makes contact with Joes face, pushing him off balance, freeing me.

I quickly run off as the two idiots get into a fight with each other.

Dumbass, they are all like that. I joke to myself. But when reality sets in, I realise that I have no where to go. No where to hide. I decide to get as far away as possible to night. I jump on the nearest bus; the bus driver gives me a weird look by when she notices my state, she lets me on without a bus card to swipe. I run straight to the back over the bus before curling up.

The bus coming to a stop wakes me up, it doesn't tend to stop very much at night. I am half expecting it to be the bus driver ready to kick me off but then I hear the bus doors open.

I shrink down trying to hide myself from view just in case it is those thugs. The bus starts moving again shortly after the card machine ding when the commuter touches on.

As I begin to relax someone sits down next to me. I tense up in reply.

I don't need to look up to know who it is when she speaks.

"You will learn you can't run from me little girl. Although I will thank you for giving me a excuse to kill those useless imbeciles," she whispers into my ear while pulling my body into her.

"What do you want with me, I am worthless."

"I can see the hidden beauty in you little girl. Now look at me, I want to see those eyes." She says before grabbing my chin forcing me to look up at her. I shut my eyes, denying her.

People like her always get what they want, and I fight till the end.

"Dont make me angry or I might just have to shoot the bus driver then punish you," she growls while digging her nails into my chin.

I quiver in fear before slowly opening my eyes, as I do a tear slips out of my eye.

"That's a good girl, now we are going to get off at the next stop together. You will not try to run or say anything to anyone. Then we will get in the waiting car together."

"Please just leave me alone," I plead.


"I didnt even see anything," I mumble

"Now that isn't true, dont lie to me. Liars, get punished," she warns.

"I wouldn't have told anyone; I am not lying about that part but even if I wanted to say something no one would believe me. Why can't you just respect me and leave me alone."

"I never leave witnesses no matter what, they either end up dead or join my gang. I hadn't made that choice yet, when you bested my men. Now you only choice is to join my gang. Now enough talking, time for us to go. Remember behave like a good girl," she reminds me before standing up and dragging me with her.

I am frozen and in shock from her words. I shake myself out, looking up only to notice the bus driver looking at us with suspicion. I force myself to smile at her, I don't want he being murdered because of my stupidity. The bus driver relaxes at my smile, they dont really like to cause trouble. Anything works usually. This time I wish it was just someone trying to rob me again.

As we exit the bus, she pulls me to the side. Waiting for the bus to leave.

"Nice work, I can see plenty of potential in you," she whispers pulling me closer to her body as the bus pulls off. I scrunch my face in disgust me before trying to pull away from her.

"Nope, no pulling away from me." she whispers, at this point her front is pressed against my back. Before I can say something, I would most likely end up regretting. A fancy car pulls up,

"Thats our ride, come along," she says while forcing me to head towards the car. I try to fight her off but when she takes her gun out and presses it into my side, I comply.

That is how I ended up in the hands the biggest mob boss in Australia, yet I didnt know that at this stage. I didnt know that I would never have to live on the street again. But that came at a price. What was that price you ask? Follow my story and you will be able to live it with me. But be warned this story is not for the light hearted, it is a extremely dark romance filled with mentions of suicide, murder, torture, rape, drug use, criminal activity etc.

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