The State

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I opened the door to see an unfamiliar face. It was a lady with long blonde hair, deep brown eyes, thin figure, and most importantly she had heels on. That means that she isn't here for a friendly visit. No one ever comes over in heels just to be friendly. She reaches out her hand to me.

"Hello I'm Elizabeth Parker from child services. You must be.."

"I'm Hannah, why are you here exactly?"

"Well since your mom has passed on there is no one here to look after you and well I have to take you and your siblings under state custody."

"Umm, I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Sorry Hannah, but you kind of have to. Go pack your bags, we will be contacting your babysitter for the twins and your older sister."

"I don't know you so you can get out of here. I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Well if you wanna play the hard way."

She turns to leave. "Oh we'll be seeing each other here soon, until next time Hannah."

I rolled my eyes. I don't want to see anymore of her. I prefer not to go into state custody, the girls that are in there always get made fun of at school. I feel bad for them but I don't want to be one of them.

I went back and sat down. My show on Netflix stopped at the screen "are you still watching Sons Of Anarchy." Well I wasn't but that damn thing gets on my nerves especially when I still am watching it. I try not to think about that lady and everything she said. I continue to watch it but just can't. I turn off the TV and dial my best friends number.

"Hello" I heard the person on the other line say.

"Hey, I have some stuff to tell you" with a certain tone in my voice that alerts her.

"Everything okay?" She asks with a worried voice.

"It's just this lady came to my house and she said that I have to go into state custody, I don't want to go there, I don't want to leave my home to go live with someone I don't know, I can't do it, Rena you have to save me!" I pretty much yell.

"Just calm down, we can get this figured out. Just wait a second I'll be right back."

Where is she going when I'm trying to tell her these important things. Ugh, I put her on speaker to text Michael. I miss you and I hope you are having a good day at work! I do miss him. I haven't seen him in about a week or so. Since he took so much time off he had to make up for it which I understand.

"Hello, you still there Hannah?"

"No I just hung up through my phone and ran a mile, yes I'm still here Rena."

"Stop being a smart ass I never know with you anymore."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask angrily.

"Well... It's just that ever since you started to date Michael we don't ever talk. The only time you talk to me is when you are worried about something. We never hang out and you are always with Michael."

"I haven't seen Michael in over a week!"


"Well you know there's two people in this friendship, I don't always have to make the plans you know! " I yell angrily, I hang up the phone by pushing the end button really hard. Too bad we don't have flip phones anymore so I could snap it shut. Ugh I'm mad, like infuriated. Why would she pull this stuff when I'm going through all this right now. I then feel my phone buzz, I roll my eyes. It must be her trying to apologize. I look at my phone. I was wrong it's my sister. Hey did a lady come by the house today from child services? How did she know about the lady? Yes? I was a little confused. Did she go and see my sister too. My sister pretty much lives at her boyfriends parents house with him. Don't go with her! You need to get out of the house go stay with a friend. If they put you in state custody there's a chance we will never see each other again. They won't let you have contact with me. I freak out. I love my sister even though she can be again bitch at times. I don't know what to do.

She doesn't reply. What am I supposed to do? I don't have anyone to stay with. My mom's family took her out of the picture a long time ago and I don't know my dad's side. What do I do?


I end up falling asleep but wake up around four in the morning. I'm still laying on the couch. It's still weird not seeing my mom here, I know I never really talked to her but I always knew she was here. I still kind of miss her. It's weird since I talked so bad on her. I get up, I refuse to go back to sleep. I need to figure out what I'm going to do.

I pack a small bag with some clothes and essentials. I'm almost couldn't zip it. I text Michael, but then realize it's only four in the morning so he wouldn't be awake. There is no one awake right now. I hear a knock on the door. I freeze. It can't be that lady this early. But what if it is. I try to peak out the window to see who it was but I couldn't quite see. I go into the living room.

I open the blind just a tiny bit. It's the babysitter. I open the door. "I'm glad to see you!" I exclaimed. She said she had to twins in the car and she heard what happened. She didn't want the boys taken either so she made sure to stay away. "I came to pick you up." I smiled.

I got my stuff and got into the car. I'm so happy she came to rescue me. I saw the twins and they were still asleep, they look so peaceful and cute. How I've missed their chubby cheeks and their baby blue eyes. I kiss them both on the forehead and then got into the front seat and put on the long seat belt that always choked me and bothered my neck.

"Where are we going?" I asked relieved that we were leaving.

"I have family down south but I figured you wouldn't want to go there so I have a surprise for you."

"Just tell me I really want to know." I told her.

"It's a surprise, why don't you take a small nap it's about two and half hours away from here. I'll wake you up when we get there."

I rolled my eyes and laid my head against the window. There was a light rain outside that barely covered the windows with little droplets. It felt nice and cool. I was somewhat comfortable. I turned on my music and drifted off to sleep.

Hey y'all sorry it's been a while and this is a short chapter but I'll make the next one even longer. Hopefully everyone is liking it so far! Please give me feedback, all feedback helps. The next chapter will be a good one! So vote/comment tell your friends! Let me know if you want a shoutout I can do it over instagram and also put it in here. But thanks again for reading!

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