Weekend Getaway

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I walk in the door just a few minutes late. I see Eric sitting on the couch. "Hey, sorry I'm late, the movie was longer than expected."

"That's fine, just text next time maybe?"

"Of course, sorry I made you stay up." I say apologetically.

"I would have been sitting here even if you were here exactly at eleven. I just wanted to make sure you made it home safely. Did you have a good evening?"

"Yes I did, and thanks Eric."

"Anytime kiddo. Now this old man is going to bed, goodnight, I'll see you in the morning."

I laughed at his remark about him being old, mostly because he's far from it. "Goodnight."

I went to my room, the boys were sound asleep. I give them both a kiss on their foreheads. I check my phone and saw that Michael texted me, Hey I had a great time on my date tonight. I love you so much, and I hope your aunt and uncle were okay with you being a few minutes late. I tried to get you home as fast as possible. I smiled. I love texts like these. He is always considerate on how everyone else feels. I reply, I had a great time too. Eric waited up for me and he was just upset that I didn't text him, but he wasn't that upset. Oh and I love you so much too!

Well do they like me? And I'm glad they aren't mad. But I was wondering if they would let you go on a trip with me. A friend and I are planning to take a trip and I would love if you could join. It would just be for the weekend. We will leave Friday night and get back Sunday night.

I am pretty sure they like you. And I will ask. But I'm pooped so I'm going to head to bed, goodnight handsome.

Goodnight beautiful, sweet dreams, don't let the bed bugs bite. I'll text you in the morning.

He always knows the words to make me smile. That night I go to bed with a smile on my face.

The next morning I'm woken up by someone banging on the front door. Ugh, who could be here at eight in the morning. I hear footsteps in the hall, I can tell they just woke up too because they are practically pounding the floor with each step.  

I can hear the door open with a screech, that thing needs some WD-40. I can hear two male voices, one must be Eric. I can't make out the conversation, but then I hear the door close. I hear the footsteps go down the hall again. I guess the person must have left. But it is to early for a summer morning to be awake, so I roll back over and go back to sleep.

When I finally wake up officially I see that it is already eleven. I look over, the twins are definitely up by now, why did they not come crawl on me? Oh yeah they have toys they can play with now, so that is what they are most likely doing. I check my phone, I have a text from Michael. Good morning beautiful, Did you ask yet? So impatient. I send a quick reply, Just woke up sorry.

I decide some cereal would be great right now. I sit up on my bed and reach my arms into the air to stretch letting out a big yawn. I sure did sleep well. I grab my phone and head to the kitchen. I stop when I reach the living room. A tall, buff guy with short, scraggly, brown hair, a red ball cap over his face, and he had on blue jeans, a red plaid shirt, and work boots and he was sprawled out on the couch asleep. One leg hanging off the side bent in a somewhat ninety degree angle while the other one lay straight on the couch, both arms across his chest and he was definitely sound asleep and snoring. This must be the other male voice I heard this morning, maybe he is a friend of Eric's.

Instead of going into the kitchen I go and find the twins, but they aren't any where to be found. Actually no one is here except that stranger on the couch. Why would they just leave me here with this stranger?

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