Just A Peck : Part 02

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Summary - So Daya kissed Special Agent Ansha twice, and Shreya not even once? How in hell is that fair? What could possibly happen if he did it just once, a tiny kiss on the cheek? Weeeeellll- let me elaborate... rated a SOLID MMM, might be wildly OOC, so be warned! Just a fluffy-explicit piece of silliness inside.


He didn't care where he would be going or how in hell he would get there- he just needed to get out of here.

As fast as possible.


It was damn hard not to down a whole bottle of wine or put her head into the toilet bowl in shame.

Oh god, oh god, what had she done?

Shreya just wanted to forget the whole dreadful evening. Relax, be free for a second. But no matter what she did, she could never, ever forget. She felt antsy, on edge. Okay, that didn't quite cover it… she felt out of her mind. Had she actually become jealous…

She shuddered. Time to… get over it. Get a grip. She was a professional. And god knew she was nothing else. With a bitter snort she flopped down on the couch, the annoying pout on her face just refusing to leave. It was true, huh? Nobody loved her. Not a single soul in the whole wide world. Her sisters never called and seemed to find her dominant and overpowering to begin with, because she could never stop worrying, or feeling like a mother where they were concerned.

And Daya?

His lips were the softest thing she had ever felt in her life. Why in hell had he kissed her like this?

She felt a traitorous warmth spread in her stomach. No. He had run away when he hadn't found the power to distract her like he usually did, had fled the situation and left her hanging. No matter what he felt- he didn't want this. So she had to suck it up and find a way to get their relationship back to normal, at least in her own mind. Tonight.

When there was a knock on her door, she actually thought about ignoring it. She just wore a tank top and loose pants, and damn, she was in NO mood for human company. But after the second insistent knock she got up with a groan, strolling through the gloomy room with utter reluctance.

As soon as she had opened the door two strong arms grabbed her and pushed her against the next wall, and she got almost scared until soft, soft lips pressed down onto hers, moving insistently, coaxing her into opening her mouth. When she finally did he pushed his tongue inside, using his hand in her hair to angle her head for the perfect position. God, he tasted so, so good. When she tried to deepen the kiss on her own he went wild, frantic, using his whole body to keep her pressed against the wall, almost knocking the air from her lungs. She didn't care. His erection was huge and solid, pressing into her stomach, and she got wet in seconds just feeling him, her arousal so sharp she whimpered with the force of it.

He wrenched his lips away from hers and looked at her, not saying a word.
She was scared he would stop, desperate to get him to continue, her body rubbing up against his to make him go on. But he looked at her calmly, intently, never averting his eyes while he slowly, deliberately pushed the jacket from his shoulders.

All hell broke loose inside Shreya. She more or less ripped Daya’s shirt off, spurred on by his approving grunts, his flesh warm and comforting under her fingers. His lips found hers again, hot and demanding, and she yielded with a bone-deep shudder, opening up for him. She felt his large, warm hands sneak beneath her tank top, cupping her breasts, making her ache with need.

For minutes, they frantically ripped and kicked off clothes, until all of a sudden they were both naked, and wherever she touched her fingers met bare, silky skin. Every touch made him shudder, even his lips trembled against hers, and it made her feel powerful an hot and got her even more aroused then she already was.

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