Does life end here?

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Sly woke suddenly to ash in the sky, and rubble all around him. He began to stand slowly, due to the fact that he couldn't believe his eyes, and because of his splitting headache. "Carmelita, where's, Carmelita". He started to walk, but his body ached, so he began to limp. He limped over to what remained of the street when his phone started to ring. Sly grabbed his phone quickly, "hello, Carmelita". "No it's me cooper". Interpol's Tokyo chief Mr. Miyagi was on the other end, "what the hell is happening down is happening down there, one minute where cornering a street gang, now half of Tokyo has witnessed war world two". "I'll figure out what happened, right after I find Carmelita". "well get out there, pronto, before I reach my hand through this phone and yank you here myself". "yes sir". sly hung up, his new boss wasn't someone he liked, but orders are orders, so of course he had to break them. Carmelita was his fiancé, there's no way he would ditch her. His body started to feel better and his headache was fading away. He started to run down the street, luckily his phone was able to track Carmelita's phone through his, she wasn't far. He kept running until a huge electric pole feel from out of nowhere and bursted in his face. Electric bolts flashed at him, then he realized something, he wasn't feeling shock! He looked closely at what was happing, and he was absorbing the bolts of lightning! After absorbing the shock, he looked at his hands in fear, he was a freak and he knew that he had to keep this a secret. He kept moving, he has to get to Carmelita. he approached a fallen building that appeared Burnt. According to the gps tracking system, Carmelita was just over this building. Sly saw a destroyed car and a ledge he could reach by jumping on it. he got on top of the car and went to jump, but instead of a small jumped, he jumped ten feet in the ear. He was scared, he was afraid of losing control, and what Carmelita would say. he trembled at the thought and cleared it from his mind. He looked back at his jump, and noticed the car was conducting static, large enough to see. He was curious why it was doing that, but then he herd a scream, Carmelita's scream. He ran through the hole in the building and saw Carmelita trapped under a car, and what's worse, men in yellow
Quarantine suits were surrounding her with assault rifles. Sly became angry, furious, huge bursts of electric static surrounding him. He jumped from the building rolling as he hit the ground. He then ran at the men I'm suits taking out his cane as he drew nearer. The men then aimed at him, but sly jumped into the air and slammed down with static bursting on impact. All the men flew back and they didn't get back up, he looked over at Carmelita and ran to her, sheathing his cane. He knelt down beside her, "are you alright"? She nodded, sly had to move the car off her. "I have to get this off you". Sly placed his hands on the car and started to pull back. Carmelita looked up and looked at his hands, "sly, what's going on with your hands"? He looked, bolts of electricity were building on his hands. "no, no, no"! He tried to stop, but his hands blew the car to bits, Carmelita was safe luckily. He fell down and curled himself in a ball. Carmelita stood up and walked up to sly, "I'm a freak, I'm a monster". "No your not, your my love, and you are not a monster. Now we need to get out of here, before the those guys come back". sly nodded, Carmelita stood up and offered a hand. sly took it and got up.

They began to run, "there's a bridge up ahead, we can go to a safe house from there". said Carmelita. "Alright, let's go". they proceeded to the bridge and found it guarded by street thugs. They continued to run across the bridge, one of the thugs saw them coming, "kill'm boys". The thugs started to fire their weapons. Carmelita grabbed sly's hand and a red barrier shielded them from the gun fire. she then started to run faster and faster, soon she was leaving a fire trail across the bridge. They both made it across the bridge and stopped, the thugs were still on their tails. Sly looked up at the sky, a thunderstorm was coming, witch gave sly an idea. He ran at the thugs, Carmelita tried to stop him, but he slipped through her hands. About half way from confronting the thugs, sly stopped and raised his hands in the air. He waited for the perfect moment, then threw his arms down to his chest. A huge lighting bolt came from the sky and crashed down on the bridge, throwing sly back to Carmelita, and leaving the thugs blown to bits and with a big hole in the bridge. When sly was brought to his feet by Carmelita, another explosion blasted in front of them, but it was nothing. Carmelita flew out her hand and absorbed the fire from the explosion. Sly looked over at her, "your like me"! She looked back at him, "I told you your not a monster, now come on, let's get to the safe house". Sly nodded, and they both ran into empty allyway, leaving a crowd if people to admire the destruction in devastation.

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