Chapter seven

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Britt's POV

I saw Rachy sitting with mo in drama today.. It makes me sick to how she has the balls to speak to him and I don't..

That's it she's out of this group. I want someone else...
I've noticed this girl iqra following us around, I think she wants to be in the group. I'll message her on facebook later asking her to meet us at Starbucks.

I'm so jealous of rach.

It makes me sick that I'm jealous

Ugh I hate this so much.

I WANT to tell him that I like him, but he'd probably think that I'm just messing with his head, when really... He's messing with mine.

*after school*

I had messaged Iqra on Facebook and she's meeting us in 5 minutes at Starbucks..

I was already there, in the cue, ordering my weekly vanilla latte, earphones in and youtube on my phone.. I thought I might aswell learn how to curl my hair with straighteners whilst I wait.

Even through the sound of my YouTube video I can hear the bell on the door ring... I turn around to see iqra walking in..

*an hour later*

Me and Iqra had talked ad she was officially in our group, and rachy was officially out.

We was meeting on Friday afterschool with CAROLINE for a girls movie night

A/N Sorry another filler chapter

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