003: Terrified

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            My next shift was two days later. When I entered the building, I already noticed the strange amount of noise. It was just the noise that people had when they were busy at work. I heard people talking to one another and I heard mechanical noises. Mechanical voices. The dark, dingy halls were fully decorated. Sam wasn't playing around about meeting the opening deadline.

             "Hey." I jumped. It was Adam, emerging from the locker room. He had an AirPod in.

            "Oh, hey." I slid into the locker room while he was leaving. "What's all that about?"

            "New people for you to meet." He was looking at his messages again. "Also, your friend is looking for you."

            I laughed, putting my stuff into a locker. "Sam? What, he can't let me have a day off?"

            Adam didn't seem amused. He didn't even seem like he cared too much at all. "No. Springtrap. See you."

            He just shut the door. I froze, hand still in the middle of going through my bag. I wasn't entirely sure what Adam meant by that. I didn't think he would've become so well acquainted with humans that quickly. I just pulled out my wallet and phone and proceeded to clock in.

            When I walked out of the door, I was met with an unfamiliar face. A very tall, sporty white guy with long, brown hair. A lot more built than Adam, but very much not my type. I just said, "Hey. You new?"

            "Yeah." His voice was deep. Reminded me of a brainless athlete. "Jason."

            "Emma." There was a silence, so I asked, "So, what animatronic are you babysitting? Did Sam give you one yet?"

            He blinked, like his only brain cell was trying to formulate an answer. "The fox."

            "Ah, Foxy. He's cool." I heard something crash down the hall. It sounded like a plate. "I'd better go. I have my own robot to look after."

            Jason didn't say much. Either he wasn't a man of many words, or he just didn't think. When I walked down the hall, I caught sight of another guy that I hadn't seen before. He was yet another boy that seemed like someone I would find crawling around in the I.T. building at my college. He looked at me, seemed petrified, and turned back around to mess with Balloon Boy. I just sighed and kept walking. It was like I was trapped in a building with all men.

            By that time, I'd figured out how to take the shortcut hallways. They were always dark, yes, but they let me get to the office quicker. Right when I got to the office doorway, I heard the back door of the building slam open. It scared the daylights out of me, but all I heard was, "Hey, Emma! Nice to see you!"

            I exhaled. It was just Sam. "Hey. You didn't tell me we had new employees."

            "Yeah! Didn't want to bother you on your day off." He was carrying a large, cylindrical, green bin of masks that he placed in the corner of my office. "They're from your college. They're nice! I've hired more people too, but they're starting tomorrow."

            Sam just walked off down the hallway past my window, and stopped just beyond my view to say 'excuse me' to someone. I'd barely even gotten the chance to start up the security system before I noticed the large shadow peering down at me through the window. It pretty much made every hair on my body stand completely on end. I just managed to say, "Hello, Springtrap."

            I was watching the other employees in the cameras until I heard, "Where have you been?"

            I flinched. That dark, evil voice was something I wouldn't be getting used to anytime soon. How it noiselessly got to the doorway, I wasn't too sure. I did have a knack for ignoring people, so that was working out, but just by a slight margin. "Home. I had a day off."

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