Part 2 Going to ua

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Kanao's POV
I woke up in a bed and there were about 30 people surrounding me.

I was really scared but said nothing but then one dude asked me "where are you from?"

I already knew I had to answer so I replied "I-I think f-from a different world"

they all looked shocked but stayed calmer than I expected. Then to make the first move I said "I am a demon slayer..."

They were even more shocked but suddenly flowers were everywhere and I quickly tired to make it stop and it worked...

They asked "is that your quirk?" "W-whats a quirk?" I asked but suddenly vines picked me up and raped around me changing my dress into a flower dress which I thought was very comfortable.

They then explained to me what a quirk is. Well I just hope that I can go back home soon...

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