Dean x Reader//Spn

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Quick A/N before be begin!

Y/N = Your Name
Y/F/N = Your Full Name
H/C = Hair color
E/C = Eye color

This is a reader insert and I'll probably be doing a couple of these so that info is key even if it is a bit redundant.

( btw the song I chose was Light of the Morning by Band of Skulls)

"No. No, no, no, no, no! Absolutely not!"

That was your first thought, and well,  you certainly had a bad habit of unknowingly speaking what you thought. It never ended well for you really.

But honestly it was difficult to think of anything else when there was a perfect Dean Winchester; dirty blonde hair, perfect green eyes, and leather jacket  standing in your doorway!

He leaned against the doorframe with the same shit eating grin you remember. "That's a whole lot of no's coming from a girl that I clearly remember once screaming 'yes.' "

You were going to strangle him.

"That was a one time thing as I clearly remember a certain Winchester telling me." You shot back, just about ready to slam the door on his still gorgeous face. "But please, by all means! Correct me if I'm wrong."

Dean opened his mouth to try and talk his way out of it but before he could say a word he grimaced, hissing in pain.
"Woah wait, are you injured? Because blood is not easy to wash out of my carpet. No sir, not today!" Without even thinking about it you ushered him inside. Old habits die hard.

Even if he did leave you for three years.

"Inside. Now, Jackass Winchester."

"Yes ma'am."

Within a few minutes the hunter was propped up on your couch. Sure enough, his side was practically torn open. Had he not told you all those years ago about what he did you probably would've freaked out.

You furrowed your brows as you very carefully cleaned the wound to stop any infection from spreading. "So why'd ya come to me? We haven't exactly been on chatting terms. Shouldn't Sam be the one stitching you up? Bobby even?"

You felt him tense under your careful hand at the mention of Bobby. "Ain't on real good terms with Sam."

The fact that he choose to not answer about the old hunter brought up a few red flags. Sure you would never be on good terms with most of the hunter community, but Bobby was the exception. The gruff hunter had welcomed you in. You had been meaning to go and drop by but never got around to actually doing it.

"Right. Good ol' denial and bottle up feelings until you snap at each other always solves everything!" You snort in disbelief.

Seems like he hadn't changed a bit.

You on the other hand, were a completely  different person that Dean had saved from a pack of blood thirsty vamps. The only thing that that version of you and now shared was the same name, hair and eye color.

Essentially you had grown up.

You were no longer that gullible 19 year old that hung onto Dean's every word. The girl who would throw herself into a hunt without a flicker of doubt and hung around hunters, guns, and most importantly the Winchesters. No, you gave up on all of that after he left you.

You picked yourself up, found a normal job, and finished your night classes at the university you had started before the vampire incident. It wasn't long before you quit flipping burgers and found yourself wearing scrubs. Being a nurse was as close as you would ever get to being a hunter although you'd never really admit it out loud, you missed that life now and then.

Dean managed to roll his eyes. "Got us this far didn't it?"

"Sure it did, Dean-o." You watched his tanned face for a split second before you grabbed the spool of thread and needle.

You could feel his emerald gaze hot on the back your neck as you sewed him back up. At some point you got so absorbed in your work that you forgot who you were fixing until you heard his voice. At least his guts wouldn't be in danger of spilling out anymore.

" Y/N? Ya gonna answer me?"

Heat rose in your cheeks as you looked like a deer caught in the headlights. "Huh?"

The freckled blond managed a weak laugh. With one scarred hand he tugged one of your long locks. "I asked why'd ya grow it out."

"O-oh...Well I didn't really have a reason to keep it short anymore."

"Won't it get in the way of your work in the hospital?"

"No, it's called a hair tie Dean."

"Well I wouldn't know since I don't have chick hair like Sammy."

The easy exchange managed to coax a small smile out of you before you realized something....
"Wait, how did you know I worked at the hospital!?"

For the second time that night Dean flashed you his famous shit eating grin. "Whoops, did I say hospital? I meant the vet place because you managed to fix a dog like me~"

You didn't know if you wanted to laugh or beat him violently. Preferably both.

"Have you been keeping tabs on me, Winchester?" You asked dryly.

He motioned for you to come close and begrudgingly you did so. It wasn't until his lips were right next to your ear that he spoke, his hot breath tickling your cheek. It was also the first time that you could smell the faint alcohol on him. Figures.

At least you knew that a drunk Winchester was an honest one.

"I never really stopped loving you, you know that Y/N?" You could feel your heart start to speed up in your chest.

"Then why'd you leave me?" Your voice was no louder than a whisper and you were terrified for the answer he'd give you.

Dean moved so that you could finally see the raw pain in his eyes. "Because I was tired of watching everything I loved be ripped away from me and watching them die. I was tired of not being able to do jack squat about it." For once his voice grew low and you could tell he was trying to pull himself together. It broke your heart. "I figured that if I pushed you away first then maybe you'd live to see another day. Ha....leave it to be the first time I'm right."

"And here I thought you left me because I burned the pie once." You joked before bringing your mouth to his chapped lips.

It was funny because you almost hadn't been home that night. You were supposed to take an extra shift until a co-worker volunteered to take it. It was strange how the world worked.
A/N: Aw look at me on a roll~

Two posts in one day? Wowie that's unusual...
If ya want a certain Spn guy(or chica) reader insert than comment away!

Idk if y'all noticed but I didn't make the insert reader so shy and whimpy like most do. That's a pet peeve of mine. So enjoy sassy!reader~


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