Chapter 7, Save Freddy.

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2:35 AM

Gregory picked up the Security badge and the alarm went off, "There's something else in here. What's this? It looks... Old", he picked up a disk and held it up. Putting it into his pocket after. "Gregory, (Y/N), what did you do? Something happened. I can communicate again. I think you fixed my signal. Thank you", Freddy said, you turned around and saw Freddy's glitched face on the monitor.

"I can see you on the monitor", Gregory said, "I didn't think you could stand up". "Consider it a second wind", Freddy joked. You then heard some footsteps and looked around, you saw Roxy and Monty outside on some monitors. "Freddy, I see Roxy and Monty on the cameras. They're both coming to the office!", you spoke.

"Do not let them in. The security doors are equipped with electrical deterrents. If you see them banging on the doors, hit the appropriate button. The shock should stun them", he explained. "OK, but how do we get out of here?", Gregory asked him, following with Freddy's quick response, "Do you see the large vent on the floor? You are probably standing right on top of it. If I can reach the room under you, I should be able to force it open and let you out", he said. You and Gregory looked around and saw the vent.

"All the doors seem to be on lockdown. Hmm... Look for me on the monitors. If you see me waving, push the button in front of the corresponding monitor to open the door", the animatronic told you. Suddenly, Freddy's face disappeared from the monitor and was replaced by the rabbit lady, "There you are", she said, "See you soon". "Hurry kids! I cannot stop her", Freddy shouted.

"Okay, I'll shock Monty and Roxy, you look for Freddy on the screens", Gregory said. "Okay", you answered. "Can you see me?", you heard from a monitor. You walked around and saw Freddy at the door in Roxy Raceway. After you pressed the button, the bear ran through the door.

Gregory was running from door to door, shocking the animatronics every time they tried to break through. "Over here!", Freddy shouted. You looked for the monitor and found it, Freddy was waving at the camera and ran through the door immediately when it opened.

"Quickly, open the door!", he yelled, and you ran to the monitor you saw him on and pressed the button. "Can you see me?", you heard a few seconds later, 'geez he's fast', you thought while looking for the monitor and opened the door when you found it.

"Over here!", the bear said once again. You opened the door for him and he entered the backstage area. "Gregory, he's here!", you called out to the boy. You two quickly went to the vent and waited for Freddy to open it. Freddy jumped up and pulled down the vent cover. "Jump down one by one!", Freddy yelled. Gregory went down first and you waited for a bit and then jumped down as well. Freddy caught you and put you down next to Gregory.

"Freddy, you saved us!", Gregory hugged Freddy. "I'm so sorry. We couldn't find any lift controls. All we found was this... disk thing", the boy showed him the disk. "Follow me to the atrium. That is a program disk for the stage show. If you use it in the sound booth, you should be able to run a showtime program which will activate the lift", Freddy said, twitching a bit.

You and Gregory followed close behind Freddy, who was holding his stomach and bending down a bit while walking. He looked like he was in pain. You were concerned but didn't say anything. Freddy opened a door and the three of you went onto the main stage. "(Y/N), Gregory, my systems are failing. Go to the sound booth on the third floor balcony. Run the performance program on that disk then meet me back on stage. Please hurry. You do not have much time. It is almost the end of the hour. I will wait here", Freddy said

You and Gregory walked off the stage, leaving Freddy behind. "We better avoid that spotlight", Gregory mumbled. You quietly but quickly snuck to the escalators and ran up them. "Freddy said the booth is on the third floor", Gregory whispered. You nodded. Once you were up the stairs, the escalator to the next floor was blocked off. "Why are there so many security barriers now?", you questioned. Gregory just shrugged in reply. "I bet I'm your favorite?", you heard Roxy say. "Ugh, why is she everywhere we go?", Gregory asked, not expecting an answer.

The two of you snuck around Roxy and looked around to find another way up. "Over there!", Gregory whisper shouted, pointing to the escalator near Roxy Raceway. You ran around the security bots and quickly went up the escalator. "This area is off limits", Chica said. You saw her standing somewhere near the balcony. "Okay, we better avoid her. How about I distract her while you go to the sound booth?", you suggested. "Mhm", Gregory agreed. Gregory ran left, walking closer to the balcony, you walked towards the Fazcade elevator and walked into a security bot.

Chica appeared behind you and let out a low growl, "Let me take you to your parents". You ran away with Chica behind you and waited for Gregory to turn on the performance program. After a while you saw the holograms of the band appear on the stage and you ran towards a photo booth to hide in it.

After waiting for a bit, Gregory opened the curtain of the photo booth and you got out. The two of you ran down the escalator when suddenly your vision turned blurry and glitch. "She's here?", you said, referring to the bunny lady. You and Gregory kept running without looking back until you reached the stage again.

"Great job superstars. Just push that button and the lift will take us down to Parts and Service", Freddy said. You put your hand on the button and pressed it. The lift started going down. "Oh no! What time is it? That moon thing's going to get us!", Gregory yelled, "There, on the wall!". You turned around and saw Moon waving at you from the edge of the elevator. "Quickly, get to the re-charge station! Follow me", Freddy said. Moon then disappeared under the lift.

"It's passed your bedtime", Moon said, as you and Gregory ran into Parts and Service before Freddy, the two of you entering the re-charge station and closing it behind you. Suddenly, you heard a loud thump. You and Gregory looked through the window and saw Moon grabbing Freddy by his legs, dragging him away.

A/N, Hello! Another episode is here! I know I say this in every chapter but I wanna thank you all so much for reading! Also, uploads may be a little slower since school has started again. I'm still gonna try my best to upload a chapter every day, even if it's short. I love you all! <3

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