Chapter 26

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Previously on Hosie Love Story:

After everyone sat back down, Josie told them everything of what happened.

"I'm going to kill him." Klaus stood up.

"Sit down Klaus, I already did." Josie sighed and look down at her bloody hands.

Third Person POV

"What do you mean you already did?" Klaus questions as he sits down.

"Exactly what I said. I killed him before I left." Josie feels tears pool in her eyes looking at Hope.

Everyone was shocked because Josie was this kind hearted girl. But what they didn't know is she will do anything for Hope.

"I'm going to take Hope up to her room and clean her up." Josie lifts Hope up and takes her to her room. She places Hope on her bed and takes off her shirt and pants. She has to hold in a sob to not release it. She goes and grabs a rag, and a bucket of water. She softly wipes Hope's cuts and the cut spots. She can see Hope's writs marks start to fade slowly. She cleans her body up and drys her.

She puts a shirt on Hope and some shorts. She just grabs a chair and sits down. Josie hears the door open and she's not even fazed. Hayley comes into the room and sees Hope with open cuts and they way she was. She's looks better from when she came in the door. Hayley looks over at Josie as sees her with tears in her eyes.

She walks over to Josie and hugs her. She feels her shirt getting wet but she doesn't mind. She rubs Josie's back. "It's ok, she's okay." She whispers. "Then why is she not getting up." Josie's sobs out. "I don't know Josie, I don't know." Hayley sighs.

"Go take a shower. I'll be here watching her. Go clean up, you have blood all over you." Hayley lets Josie go while she sits down and brings the chair closer to Hope. She sits down and just looks over at Hope. She hears the shower turn on and she sighs.

Josie POV

I sit inside the shower and sit down with my legs tucked into my chest and my head resting on my knees. I feel the water drop down my face. I look down and see a trail of blood go into the drain. I close my eyes and all I see is Hope tied up all bloody, eyes droopy, like she was ready to pass out from pain. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt hot tears run down my face.

I sit there and let the tears come out. I was thinking why they took her. What did she do? I washed myself up and washed my hair. I wrapped myself in a towel and got dressed in Hope's clothes. I zoned out and couldn't hear anything. I snapped out of it and walked out. I take the towel and dry my hair up. I'll fix it tomorrow.

I lay down next to Hope and just look at her face. I see Hayley looking at me with...sadness in her eyes. She gets up and kisses Hope's forehead. "Goodnight Josie." She says as she walks out the door.




1 week later

Hope still hasn't woke up. She's been in that same state. Not one inch has moved. I haven't gotten any sleep. During this week I've gotten like less than 10 hours of sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I sleep for like a hour, maybe less then I see Hope and see her still tied up. Roman having a white oak steak and him staking Hope.

Watching her turn grey and burn and I can't do anything about it. I wasn't fast enough. I would wake up sweating. I've spent all week trying to figure out what's wrong with Hope. Even everyone in her family. I've been on edge all week. We've tried giving her blood, her family's blood. We've tried spells, healing spells, everything.

But nothing is working. Me and Hope's family is sitting in the living room still trying to figure out why she's still not awake. We've been talking about feeding her blood every hour. But what I didn't think of is feeding her my blood. We've feed her all types of blood. But not mines.

I stand up and speed into her room. I grab and knife and slice my hand. I chant a spell to make the cut stay. Hope's family followed me upstairs when they realized I left. I take my hand and put it up to her mouth. I wait a few seconds and I see her eyes open. She grips my hand and sucks harder. She closes her eyes and rips my hand away from her mouth. I look all over her body and see all her cuts are gone.

I see her smile at me and I jump into her arms. I didn't even know I was crying until she picked my face up and wiped my tears.

"Come on guys, let's let them have a moment. Let's go to the mall for a while." Rebekah says. Everyone leaves except Hayley.

"Don't do what I wouldn't do." She smirks and leaves.

I hear all of them leave and I sit on Hope's lap. I place my head in her neck and wrap my arms around her tight. "How long was I out for?" She rubs my back.

"A week. It was hard Hope. We couldn't find anything to wake you up. I can't stop dreaming about you dying. I can't get that picture of you suffering out of my head." I sniffle and let out my emotions.

She pulls me in her arms and holds me tight. "It's ok baby, I'm here. Nothing else is going to happen to me." She whispers in her ear and kisses the top of my head.

I got angry because the way she just sits there and acts like nothing happened. I stand up. "How do you know nothing else is going to happen to you Hope. You were sleep for a whole week! I couldn't do anything to wake you up! Your whole family and me. I barley slept, I couldn't get that look of you in that chair out of my head!" I can't breath. She stands up and tries to hug me but I slap her chest. She grabs my and lets me hit her.

After I'm done, we're on the floor and I'm starting to fall asleep.

"I'm not going anywhere Josie, I promise. Always and Forever"

Words: 1,110

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it long to come out. Don't forget to vote and comment what you want to see next chapter or in the future.
Until next time


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