Chapter 41

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Another week has passed and Hope has gotten somewhat better. She has her days where she's up trying to help as best as she can. Other days, if your not her girlfriend, don't bother her.

But they have found some information about what happened to Klaus.

The witch was one of Klaus's old flings from centuries ago. She was angry because she tried to get with Klaus, but he would brush her off acting like he didn't know her. When she heard he died, she was heartbroken. She looked into the causing of his death and wanted revenge on his daughter. Blaming Hope for her lovers death, she wanted to hurt her badly. So she sent him to only a place where a few people can take him out of. Which takes them to where they are now.

Hope was going downstairs to the werewolf cages, trying to get answers for herself on why her dad disappeared. She opened the door and walked inside. She saw the woman standing, staring at the wall.

"Why do y'all keep coming back, I'm not telling you anything." The woman said.

"I was hoping you would tell me something." Hope said as she played with her rings on her fingers.

"It's you!" The woman yelled as she turned around.

"Yeah me!" Hope said slight confused as to why the woman yelled.

"You did not deserve to be born." The woman scoffed.

"Yeah I know that already." Hope said not really caring.

The woman walked up to the bars of the cell and shook it.

"You know, you're girlfriends real pretty, pretty little thing." The woman said as she watched Hope's wolf eyes come out.

"Watch your mouth." Hope said as she balled her fist up.

"Watch when I get out this cell, all of you are going to die and I'm going to take your girlfriend with me.  I'm going to do stuff to her she never has felt before." The woman smirked as she knew what was going to happen next.

Hope felt her fangs come out as she magically opened the cell door and punched the woman in her face. The woman fell and Hope got on top of her and kept punching her back to back. Hope picked her up by her collar and bit into her neck, making sure that her venom dropped into her blood stream. The woman screamed out in pain as she felt her eyes slowly close.

In Hope's bedroom

Josie was looking all over for Hope, she hasn't seen her all day. She looked all over her room and still haven't found her. She left and figured the only place she went was the werewolf cells. Josie vamped down there and heard a loud scream. She vamped inside and saw Hope on top of the woman punching her back to back. Josie's eyes widen as she ran over and tried to pull Hope off of her. She knew Hope was stronger but she had extra strength now. Josie practically had to rip Hope off the woman and hold her by her waist.

Hope felt herself being pulled away from the woman and she felt arms wrap around her waist.

"Let me go!" Hope screamed as she slightly struggling to get out the hold.

"Hope stop!" Josie screamed as she struggled to pull Hope out the cage.

"Let me fucking go!" Hope screamed as tried to go back and beat the woman.

"Baby stop! It's me." Josie screamed as she felt Hope still in her arms.

Hope stopped moving and just stood there and looked over to the woman. The woman was all bloody and bruised up in the face with a big bite mark on the side of her neck.

"That's all you got." The woman slightly chuckled then groaned in pain.

Hope tried to go back but Josie had already magically closed the cage and magically transported them to the dock.

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