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Dear Jake

I loved you...

But you decided to go out with someone other than me. Why? We were together for 5 years. We went through everything together.

It's been almost 3 years since I've seen you cheat on me. With my best friend. Sunghoon. How could he do this to me?

Jake... Was I not good enough? Or did I do something wrong?

I saw you today for a brief moment before you left the house in a rush. Why? I was curious. I went after you and saw that you were with sunghoon. You didn't wanted him to wait. Because he was your precious one... and not me.

It hurts so much but I'm hiding it. Because I don't want to face the reality. I keep telling myself that its not real. That you are not cheating on me with my best friend. I gave myself the fault. I thought it was all my fault. You made me feel miserable.

You are bad Jake. You are a horrible person.

But I still love you...I can't stop loving you.

It feels like the first day we met. You were so nice to me. You treated me like I was yours and yours only. But days change and so did you Jake. You barely talk to me... even though we life in the same house. The house we bought together but soon you'll live there all by yourself. Maybe if you ask sunghoon, maybe he'll move in with you.

The damage I have because of you...you will never get it.

I loved you • HeeJakeWhere stories live. Discover now