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Heeseung pov
I put all the letters in black envelopes and put all the letters on Jake's pillow. It was 7pm, he'd be home at 8pm. I had enough time to give my other Friends their letters.

I went from house to house and put all the letters, I wrote for each Friends, infront of their doors.

It was currently 7:45pm. I drove to the rooftop I meant in the letter.

Our rooftop.

The first time we met was there.


I walked through the hallway as I heard someone yell my name.
It was him again.
Beomgyu. My bully.

Beomgyu loved it to see me cry. That's why he always says something about me.
,,ew look at heeseung he's such fag." He screamed. I walked faster. ,,why are you running away hee?" He asked and blocked my way. I hate that nickname. It's my name, yes but I hate it because he is using it on me. 

He pulled my hair. ,,what are you looking at fag? Are you having an orgasm by only look at me? Such a faggot." He threw me onto the floor and kicked me 3-4 times before he run away. I stud up while holding my stomach. I went to the rooftop to sit down and cry. My body was full of scars and bruises.

I suddenly hear the rooftop door open and see a handsome man walking toward me.

,,are you okay?" He asked concerned. I nodded slowly.
He gave me his hand and introduced himself. Jake. What a beautiful name.

He helped me clean all my bruises. We became best friends and you always saved me when beomgyu was there. And after a week you asked me out. But I was already head over heals in love so I said yes.

Flashback end

I could see the whole city. It was so beautiful. Tears where streaming down my face.

Jake pov

I came home. It was 8pm. The house was dead silent.

,,where is he?" I asked myself. I actually don't care about him. I went to my room and got changed. While doing so my phone was ringing all the time. Hundreds of messages. But I ignored them, after  I was done, I went to my drawer. I wanted to get something but there were lots of letters on my pillow. There were numbers on them. I started to read one by one.

I'm such a bad person. In the last letter heesung wrote that I should put the first letter of each letter together, so I did.

"Do you love me"

I stared to cry. I didn't want It to end like this. I knew on what rooftop he was.

I took my phone and my key and went to the rooftop he meant. I run to the top of the school to see him stand there looking down.

,,HEESEUNG WAIT!" I screamed to the top of my lungs. He turned around and smiled. He was wearing my shirt. I could see his scars. Where they my fault?

,,I'm sorry Jake, I wasn't good enough for you. happy birthday and I loved you" And with that he fell.

I fell to my knees. Crying my heart out. I didn't wanted it to end like this. I looked at my phone and saw that our Friends texted me loads of messages, telling me that I'm a terrible person.

I went to the edge and looked down to see heesungs lifeless body full with blood. Seconds later the boys came. Everyone was looking at me. Some of them disgusted and some of them worried. I stood up and looked at everyone and smiled.

,,wait Jake don't do it!!" Sunghoon screamed.

,,I'm sorry. It's all my fault." I threw all the letters right infront of them.

,,please life a beautiful live without us.I loved you heeseung " was the last thing I said before falling down next to his lifeless body. The last thing I heard were screaming before I was gone. Forever.

I loved you • HeeJakeWhere stories live. Discover now