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Ryuga POV

I finally got out of those ridiculous clothes and into my preferred style. Thank goodness because those clothes were not working for me whatsoever.

I'm off the island now and arrived back in the city so I could 'return' those clothes. Now that it's been taken care of, I'm leaving this city far behind and looking forward.

"What a waste of my time. I waited for months just to have a good battle! And what did I get? A no-show that's what! ...Why do I even give that kid so many chances." I continued mumbling to myself. 

Now that my battle was finished, I looked forward to the day when I go back to Loryn, but before I can, there's of one more thing I need to take care of. I'm going to find my brother, if it's even possible. I mean he doesn't stay in one spot for long that's for sure. Last I heard, he was at Mist Mountain when Loryn went to go see him. However, that was months ago and I wouldn't have a clue where that place is anyway.

I stopped in my tracks as a random thought appeared in my head.

Will Gingka end up telling his friends about me? ... Why would it matter? I'll be long gone anyway. There's no way they'd be able to track me down.

With that in mind I continued on my way.

* * *

After about three days of traveling, I haven't seen a soul in sight. I was coming up on a thick forest. Food has been scarce so I'm hoping I'll find something edible. As I was wandering around the forest, I heard the sound of kids not too far away followed by the sound of beys clashing. Allowing my curiosity take over once again it led me closer to the source of activity.

I noticed the trees started thinning out until it led to a small clearing. There were four young boys quivering behind a slightly older boy with red hair and white patches. Then there were at least five teenage boys across. All were much taller and bigger than the small boys and they were laughing and hollering as they pleased.

Try as they might, their noise didn't seem to intimidate the small redhead kid whatsoever. He was concentrated and reserved as he battled not even focusing on what the older boys were doing.

"Hey small's did you forget you're in a battle, or are you just frozen to the spot!"

"You should have known better than to challenge us weakling. With that bey of yours how can you possibly win huh? Tell us, tell us!"

Looking at the kid's bey was a little sad. Its balance was shakey, the colors were faded and dull, almost lifeless. There was probably a lot of damage on it from all the years it's been used. Comparing it to the older kid's Bey, its balance was smooth and clean, it also had a glisten to it when it caught the sun's bright rays.

"You people can talk, but that's all you're good for." The redhead said breaking his silence. This made the older teens angry.

"Look little kid, don't try talking any bigger than you can handle. It'll come right back and bite you in the face!" The older kid battling said.

"I couldn't agree more... Serpent, Curse of the King!" His Bey takes off fast, faster than expected and collided with the other bey. Both beys seemed to hold their ground for a few moments before Serpent sent the opponent flying. Before it had time to reach the ground Serpent attacked again with more aggression this time. Serpent repeated this move three times before it allows its opponent to land; however, the moment his opponent touched the ground, Serpent bursted out of nowhere and slammed into the other bey which created a burst of energy; sending its opponent flying.

Everyone gasped at the sight expect for the redhead. Finally the bey landed, but this time it lost its balance and toppled over. Serpent returned to the red head's hand ending the battle.

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