Story Time

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Ryuga POV

"Hmm." I said looking down at a small patch of pink and yellow flowers I stumbled upon while hiking over a large and grassy hillside. I still don't understand why I stopped for these flowers, I've past a great many already on this one hill alone. And yet for some reason I was drawn to them.

Forcing myself to look away I turned my gaze to the blue sky above... well no longer blue anymore. Since I last paid attention to the sky, huge grey clouds had blown in from the west. I would say there'd be rain within the hour. Heaving a sigh I continued onward.

As I was descending the third hill I felt the first few drops of rain. Looking down at my arm where the drops first fell I stared at them, silently pondering before finally shaking them off. Unfortunately, there weren't any trees or cover around so I had to keep moving.

For now I'd be okay as the rain wasn't coming down heavy, but I knew it would start pouring here soon.

I could have been further ahead if I didn't stop to look at those idiotic flowers.

I kept telling myself I was ever so slowly becoming drenched with rain.

It's now been about half an hour since the rain started and I was right, it was pouring with rain now. The once pleasant and grassy fields had now become wet and soggy mud-fields, and still with no cover in sight I was forced to keep moving in the rain.

This was becoming a lousy day real quick, but that's when I began hearing this sort of mumbled voice that seemed to echo around me. Knowing very well my boots would get stuck in the mud I decided to stop anyway to ponder this sound.

I wanted to know whether I was hallucinating or if there really was something out there. Once I stopped I could hear the voice clearer through the heavy rain. "Should have stayed back at the cave when I had the chance... Instead- out here with- and muddy boots... Great day this turned out to be!"

Squinting my eyes I began to see a form take shape in the distance. It was smaller than me for sure, and definitely human, but I wasn't sure of much else. Seeing as it was coming this way, I just waited where I was for them to come closer.

As they continued to approach I began to pick out more detail about this person. They had long white spiky hair that began to droop because of the heavy rain, loud boots that sloshed around in the mud, and golden eyes-


I didn't mean to say it out loud but it just slipped without a second thought. I didn't think I said it very loudly but he definitely heard me as he stopped in his tracks and fell quiet.


The boy said out loud, but the way he said it made me think it was towards himself.

He began to walk again, but this time it was at a faster pace. I assumed he saw my figure take shape through the heavy rain because he turned directly towards me and continued walking.

He was no more than two feet away from me before he stopped. "Aw great, first the rain and now I'm hallucinating him again. Well that settles it, I am never eating wild koi again." For once I was befuddled,

What kind of crack is this kid on?

"Okay well this has been nice, thanks for visiting again big brother, but unless you could get me out of this downpour I gotta get going. See ya later Ry- Mmph!" Was what Ryuto said before he walked right into me as if he planned to just walk right on through. Now sitting in the thick, wet mud, Ryuto began to wipe his face of rain before looking up.


"Hey idiot, Guess I'm not dead after all!" I told him before giving a grunt of annoyance.

Well, at least I've found him now.

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