Jyn Erso, Escape, Rebels

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I don't own anything

3rd POV

Shows a planet in the distance but a ship is seen going pass asteroid belts heading for the planet called Lah'mu below flying over the ocean is a black Imperial Shuttle turning towards a mountain in the distance it flies over the ground, but it also went pass SE-2 worker droid it turns to see the shuttle an antenna come out.

Meanwhile a young girl is running she looks back to see the shuttle she panting looking forward just as the shuttle flies pass while in a room four screens show the area a beeping is heard looking at the screen is a man name Galen Erso, he looks at the screen as his wife Lyra Erso turns as the little girl runs down the stairs to a door.

She press a button for it to open and runs in she calls "Mama" Lyra turns said "We know" Galen said "Jyn, gather your things" Now name Jyn looks to Galen "It's time" Galen holds a bag and moves as Jyn runs and starts packing her things she looks around while Lyra runs to the kitchen, she puts a blanket down looking to Jyn who keeps packing.

Lyra press a button staring then a Voice calls "Hello" Lyra turns to the screen she said "Saw, it's Lyra" Saw stares and listens "It's happened" Jyn turns her head towards Lyra "He's come for us" Saw said "You know what to do" In the air the shuttle makes a turn after passing a mountain the long wings went up and the shuttle slowly lands.

Galen said "Jyn, come here" Jyn went to Galen who holds her "Remember, whatever I do, I do it to protect you" Lyra holding a bag watch "Say you understand" Jyn said "I understand" Galen place his hands on Jyn head and kiss her forehead then gives her a hug Galen said "I love you, Stardust" Jyn closer her eyes she said "I love you, too, Papa" Lyra said "Galen" Galen look to Lyra who stares Galen said "Go".

Meanwhile walking forward is a squad of troopers called Death Troopers and leading them wearing a white Empire uniform with a cape is an Officer name Orson Krennic they walk over the field while walking out of the house is Galen he walks forward and stops at the edge of a hill looking down at the group while Lyra and Jyn are running together by the mountain side Lyra said "Jyn".

Lyra pulls Jyn to the side looking back Lyra sits down and Jyn stands in front of her Lyra looks at her "You know where to go, don't you" Jyn nods as Lyra let's go of her hands then reach up and takes off a necklace and holds it in front of Jyn "Trust the Force" Lyra reach around and clip the necklace together Lyra sighs.

Once fully on Lyra grabs Jyn's head and move to her side while Jyn stares at her then Lyra pulls her into a hug as Krennic leads the Troopers to the edge of the field just as Galen walks across the grass and comes to a stop while Jyn runs panting, she slows down and turns taking deep breaths before running again.

Meanwhile Krennic and the Troopers walk on the grass they stop to see Galen standing there Krennic said "You're a hard man to find, Galen" Krennic looks "But farming..." He motion the area he looks back "Really" He smiles "Man of your talents" Galen just said "It's a peaceful life" Krennic said "It's lonely, I imagine".

Galen twist a bit but he said "Since Lyra died, yes" Krennic stares said "Oh" He lower his head he walk forward "Oh..." He shake his head exhales and stops raising his head looking at Galen "My condolences" Krennic move his gaze then turns to the Troopers "Search the house" The Troopers moves their voices are mechanical.

Four Troopers went pass Galen who turns watching them he turns back Galen ask "What is it you want" Krennic said "The work has stalled" Galen stares "I need you to come back" Galen just said "I won't do it, Krennic" Krennic shake his head he said "We were on the verge of greatness" He motion his hand "We were this close to providing peace and security for the galaxy".

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