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Professor Ozpin crawled on the floor of the vault, battered, bruised and beaten badly. Everything he had, he had thrown at the new Fall Maiden to absolutely no avail. The previous Maiden was finally dead, Vale was falling, Beacon was burning. Once more he had failed yet again, failed the people of Remnant.

Cinder: "You wretched, pathetic man. Your guardian has fled, your precious maiden is dead. I can kill you if you want, start this entire cycle all over again... But it doesn't have to be that way."

With that condescending tone, Ozpin turned to look at Cinder. Coughing some blood out from his mouth as he collapsed onto his back. He could barely wheeze out his words, but decide to humor her.

Ozpin: "What do you propose?..."

He asked, coughing out a handful of blood.

Cinder: "Join us, join her... we could definitely use someone like you on our side. Immortality, what an ability!... A love story throughout the ages."

She knelt down, looking quite smug and confident that she was able to bring the powerful Ozpin down. She waited a few seconds for his response, however the professor simply chuckled and coughed some more. Clearly he was on his last legs.

Ozpin: "You... are high off the power drive if you think I'm going to join her."

Cinder simply scoffed, shaking her head at Ozpin's arrogance. Truly what Salem had told her about this man was right. A simple old relic who had lost his nerve a long time ago.

Ozpin: "Never in a thousand years, in a thousand lives. Every life I've lived, I've had and will always choose to fight. You can tell that to her, tell her I will never give in.."

Cinder smirked sadistically, his valiant defiance was nothing but him giving himself permission to die.

Cinder: "Hmpf, utter arrogance..."

She snarled as she conjured her signature bow and arrow, aiming it straight at Ozpin's leg. His aura had been broken, leaving him completely vulnerable As she released the arrow, his agonizing wails were like the sweetest music to her ears.

Cinder: "Your Fall Maiden, Amber was her name... I believe. She was a bit like you right now... beaten and down for the count. She begged like a pathetic worm before I earned what is now rightfully mine.

Ozpin: "No... it's not yours. That power belongs to the righteous..."

Cinder simply loosed another arrow into Ozpin's other leg, causing him to cry out even more.

Cinder: "How foolish are you to think that the gentle and kind deserve power! That is your weakness..."

Ozpin: "You don't have to do this... please."

Cinder: "Power... belongs to those who do not hesitate to use it. To those who aren't bound by morality."

Cinder readied one last arrow, loosing it into Ozpin's chest. The headmaster fell to his side, groaning in pain as he could see Cinder beginning to walk away.

Cinder: "Once more you die... another useless life wasted. Until we meet again... Ozma."

Cinder chuckled as she made her way out of the vault, Ozpin lied there in a pool of his own blood which only kept getting bigger.

Finally Cinder was out of the vault for now, Ozpin knew he still had one last ace up his sleeve. An old ally who he made a deal with. Kept hidden in stasis within the vault's walls, he just had to get to the hidden fingerprint scanner before he finally left this life.

He grunted in effort as he crawled towards where he knew the scanner was, he also knew that if this body was finally lost. The scanner would never accept any other body he took, meaning there would be only one chance to make this right. He would definitely perish now, that was absolute at this point. Even though he can return, it would be some time before the new body's owner comes to accept the necessary takeover. Time wasn't on his side, it never was.

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