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selyse moretti

I took in a deep breath, glancing at my phone one last time to check the time. My nerves ran high and my patience was running low.

Jack said he'd be here.

"Selyse, seats are filling up. Let's go," Hailey tugged at my arm, also growing impatient. The dance recital would begin any moment now and we have yet to find our seats. But I couldn't bring myself to go inside without him. He promised he'd make it. I put a reminder on his phone, I wrote a note on the desk in his office. Even Aiden and Sebastian are supposed to come. Out of all three of the men, I thought one of them would remember this.

I went on my phone to call him once more. Like the other calls, it went straight to voicemail. "I'm going to kill him," I muttered under my breath, tucking my phone back in my handbag.

"We can kill them together," Chloe linked our arms together, urging me to come inside. I sighed, walking through the parking lot towards the entrance.

Just as I reached to enter the building, I heard the loud exhausts coming into the parking lot in a hurry. As soon as one of the cars parked, the back door opened and the little boy came running out. Before he could get far, Jack got out of the car and grabbed his arm. He bent down, pointing his finger at him like he might be lecturing him about running in a parking lot full of cars. But I knew better. The day Jack lectures Kade is the day pigs fly.

He let go of him, letting him run over to me. "Mommy!" Kade smiled and I crouched down to hug him. His arms went around my neck while I kissed his face. Looking at his face, my heart warmed.

With the beautiful green eyes that come from Jack, his skin was warm and just a few shades lighter than mine. He shared my curls that were braided into several braids.

"It's about fucking time. We were losing our shit over here. What happened?" Chloe held Aiden's hand as she looked up at him. His eyes were soft and looked at her kindly. He's a changed a man. Love has blossomed in their relationship and Chloe seems genuinely happy. Romeo played a huge part in their happiness. They're a cute family of three.

"Chlo," I said, urging her to watch her language before she apologized.

"Kade wanted ice cream and you know how Jack has a hard time saying the word no," Sebastian teased, while Hailey went to hug him. Their relationship is good. It didn't start off that way. But with time, things changed and now she's pregnant and they couldn't be more excited about the baby on the way.

I kissed Kade's cheek then stood up when Kade moved to hold Jack's legs. "When I said 'don't tell Selyse' did that request go in one ear and out the fucking other?" Jack complained, receiving an upset look from me. He had one job. Pick Kade up from kindergarten then meet us here.

"Well, let's go. She's in there already," Hailey squealed, taking Sebastian's hand to lead them in there first. A hand crept around my waist and I looked up at Jack's apologetic eyes. He didn't need to say it. He really does have a hard time saying no. I never thought I would be the tough parent, but here I am being the one to lay the rules. And he thought he'd be a terrible father.

Holding his arm, we entered the auditorium that already had started with the performances. We found a row that was empty which we all squeezed into.

"Do you wanna sit with me, ometto?" I asked Kade as we all took our seats. I like having him sit on my lap while he plays with my hair.

"No. I'm big now," Kade responded, taking his own seat that was on the other side of Jack.

"Oh. Okay," I tried to hide the hurt in my voice. He's growing up faster than I would like. He started kindergarten this week and it makes me sad knowing he won't be home with me all the time.

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