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"If pain must come, may it come quickly. Because I have a life to live, and I need to live it in the best way possible. If he has to make a choice, may he make it now. Then I will either wait for him or forget him." ~Paulo Coelho


    Have you ever felt like you were only worthy of one thing in your family. That if you didn't attend your duties that you will be a disgrace.

    That you have no right to feel pain and hurt because everyday your own flesh and blood tells you that there doing the best thing for you.

    Have you ever gotten to the point that you just don't care anymore. That you start feeling no guilt or empathy.

    Trust me my life's no fairy tale. I'm not the perfect girl that goes to school everyday. I don't get straight A's in every subject. I don't meet the boy and call in love. That's not even close to my life.

    Let's just say my life is... complicated, or you can say my life you will never wish for unless your stupid and desperate. You can say I'm fighting for time. Fighting to have more time to live my life, or time to make a plan not to be behind bars for the rest of my life.


    I sit on the rusty stool rapping my hand with gauze. Getting used to the sting everytime the gauze rubs against my fresh wounds. Watching the blood trickle down my wrist dripping on the floor.

    I hear the cheering of the drunk crowd down the stairs. Ranting and screaming about god knows what. Any normal person would have a headache  from the loud pitch screams, but I'v become immune to it.

    I heard a banging on the door that put my alerts on high. I glanced at the door waiting for another nock.

    It became silent so I went back to putting more tape over my gauze already seeing the blood seep through  knowing I'm going to have to change it after.

   After I finished wrapping my hands I stepped over the blood puddle on the floor. Somebody will clean it up, I know I won't.

    I opened the door for somebody on the other side to push it open making me stumble back.

"What the hell" I yelled out. I looked up to see a tall masculine figure standing over me.

    "Boss sais your up" he answered in a monotone voice. I rolled my eyes standing up dusting my self off ignoring the sting of my hands.

    I stood face to face with him, well face to chest as my 5 foot 2 had nothing on his 6'' foot figure. I looked him up in down sizing him out.

    I knew I could easily break his legs and walk away but my boss has a strict rule on harming his men.

    His dark hoody shadowed half of his face only letting sight of his nose down. He smirked most likely thinking I was checking him out.

    If only he knew I was thinking of six different ways to snap his neck in half.

    I put on my deathly glare I'v been mastering sense I was eight on my nanny. His smirk faltered but still managed to stay in place.

    "Why are you still standing there I heard you" I snapped. He stood there for another five seconds then walked away heading towards the ring.

    I shook my head getting him clear out of my head. I didn't need any distractions before my next fight.

   I walked down the stairs to the ring with two of my bodyguards standing next to me. I didn't need them sense I could take out every one here in a flick of my wrist, but my boss wanted me safe no matter, what from all the drunk married men? I slid through the ropes standing on my side of the ring.

Fighting For Time ( A Aaliyah Fan Fic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now