|Chapter 2|

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|Chapter 2|

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.
~Maya Angelou

I rolled over, a groan escaping my throat. I starred at the ceiling hearing absolutely nothing. No birds, no cars driving by only the casual bright light in the street. No kids playing outside, nobody was probably even getting up for school yet. Thinking about school I sighed.

I haven't been to school in over a week. "Jackson Hill High School" School of the pirates. Google states its one of the best schools in California.

I say it's one of the worst you send your child there you most likely don't really care about there well being. Practicaly all the girls there have been pregnant at least once already, and dont even get me started on the STD's going around. 87% pass every year which is not bad per say but isn't good either.

The only reason they pass is because the school doesn't want the government snooping around trying to figure out why their kids never got higher then a D in a subject.

I rolled out of bed feeling the dirty carpet under my feet which made me cringe inwardly hurriedly putting my socks on.

Standing up I could hear the cracks in my lower back caused by laying in one place for a long period of time. I looked around my room seeing the cracked wall and brown stains in the corner of the ceilings from water damage.

    In my oppinion this apartment is a huge health hazard and I'm surprised I havent gotten a disease for living here for so long.

So many times I told my boss this, but he would just say "It'll help you become stronger in your body from fighting all the bacteria". Yeah right.

A nock sounded at my door making me groan even louder why people have the need to bother me I don't know. I stomped over to the door swinging it open making it crash against the wall. Now I should say that my maid was at the door saying breakfast was ready but my life wasn't all that grand.

The thing was at the door with no hoody might I add. He had on a tight grey shirt that made him look bigger due to his muscles and dark skinny jeans with some black and white chucks.

To top off the bad boy look he had on a black leather jacket and a backwards cap. A normal hormonal girl would say he looked hot, to me he looked like he had no fashion sense what so ever. A smirked formed on his face. I'm guessing he thought I was checking him out. Which I was, but not for the reason he thought.

I raised my eyebrow "You knocked on my door... for what?". He rolled his eyes

  "Boss stated for your protection I have to accompany you to school for a while so you'll be having a new classmate" he smiled all excitedly.

I narrowed my eyes "I don't need a baby sitter thank you I can take care of my self, and how bout you tell your boss that if he wants to tell me something tell me himself the next time I hear you say "Boss said" I'm shoving my foot so far up your rear end your kids will fill it" I hissed slamming the door.

I trudged to my closet sleepily already feeling the bad migraine creeping awake. I threw on a black t shirt with some blue skinny jeans. Tying up my worn out white converse and threw on my leather jacket.

I wasn't going to change my style just because he was wearing it I'm known for my leather jacket around school its what people remember me of. I brushed my hair up in a messy bun and put on some mascara and chap stick. Makeup was not my thing let me tell you.

Nobody was able to teach me anyways so even if I did want to wear it I didn't know how to use it. I saw a girl putting mascara on in the girls bathroom so I took one out of her bag when she wasn't looking and have been using it ever sense.

I grabbed my bag which only had a binder a notebook and a pen in it sense I rarely went to school. Jogging to the kitchen grabbing an apple from the fridge.

   The thing was sitting at the table typing something in his phone he looked up at I took a second bite out of my apple the crunching sound echoing through out the kitchen.

"Alright so I know you don't want me anywhere near you but it's Boss's orders I can't disobey or I'll be in trouble so-" I waved him off walking towards the front door.

"Come on we don't wanna be late for school" I muttered sarcastically.

I followed him to his car which was very nice if I do say so my self it was all black black tires, tinted windows. It looked as if it could blend into the shadows. Hopping into the passenger seat I felt the cool leather under my finger tips sniffing that new car smell.

"Agreeing to watching over the boss's devil daughter earns it's perks" he chuckled putting the key in the ignition. I rolled my eyes glancing out the window. As we drove up in the schools parking lot watching every single eye turn on us. I already knew today was going to be a long day.


This chapter is shorter than others but I didn't want to give to much away. You will get "The things" name soon. Or will you? Haha I hope you liked this chapter the reason why It's taking me so long to post is because I'm editing this myself so I need time.



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