|Chapter 3|

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|Chapter 3|

"Ask not how far must I walk, instead say I will walk as far is as needed."


   I groaned "Alright here's the rules we meet back here at 5:30 sharp".

   "But I thought school let's out at 4:30".

   "5:30!" I shouted at him he had a problem with listening. It wasn't any of his business what I did after school.

   "Don't talk to me during school at all don't even look my way" I said looking around for a gap in the crowd I could budge through.

    "What if I need to tell you something that has to do with your father?" he sighed turning off the car.

   "Shoot a text" I smirked waving my phone. I opened the door watching as everybody went silent then queued the  whispering.

   "And he's not my father he stopped being that a long time ago" I muttered slamming the door behind me.

    I sped walked to the front of the school pushing people out of my way that was just standing there looking stupid.

   I walked towards the bathroom sense I forgot to do my business at home.

    As I opened the door I regretted not holding it in till second period because none other was Alicia Adams.

   Her father worked for The Daggers she was also next in line to be the leader. So me and Alicia had no choice but to hate each other it's in are blood.

   "Well, well, well look who it is" she sneered stepping closer little by little. She knew who my father was but she didn't know I was The Red Bandit everyone thought I was a male for the most part.

   I rolled my eyes pushing by her "I don't feel like this today Alicia I have to go pee, then I'll be on my way".

   She laughed" I saw you drive in with that boy" both her side chicks laughed. Huh side chicks now that's funny.

    "Are you laying around for rides now, I guess the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree. What do you say girls? How long do you think she's going to die a whore just like her mother huh?"

   What did she just say about my mother? She walked closer her and her two minions cornering me. "You have no right to even be seen with someone like him, stay away from him got it!"

   I blinked my eyes trying to see if I'm awake to really be hearing what I'm hearing. Did she really just say that about my mom? My mother, really? My anger was boiling by the second. I was starting to feel very hot.

   By the looks of her, me not answering made her even more angry. "You hear me bi-" my hand flew to her neck swiftly slamming her against the wall.

   "No do you hear  me, bitch don't you ever  talk about my mother like that again or I will make sure you don't live another day to even laugh that stupid ass laugh. Got it!?"

    She choked out gasping for air. She gasped an okay. Tears streaming out her eyes. Her lips were starting to turn purple as she clawed at my arm to let her go.

   It didn't matter who said what I wasn't letting go. Right now all I saw was red I was for blood regardless.

   Her friends were screaming for me to let go trying to pull me away from her, but they were weak I stood in my place squeezing harder and harder by the second.

   Her eyes started to flutter shut when I felt somebody rip me away dragging me towards the exit. I clawed at who ever it was shouting and screaming "Let me go! She deserves to die!" I cried out tears soaking my neck.

   They pulled me out the front door no students were out there so I'm guessing the bell rung and I didn't here it.

   "Calm down Aaliyah" he whispered in my ear. The voice sounding very familiar. I took a deep breath in and out my whole body shaking.

   I closed my eyes trying to refocus.

   "I can't breath" I cried backing up against the cool wall. The Thing stood in front of me holding my shoulders.

   "Look at me Aaliyah your having an anxiety attack just look at me" he said calmly.

   I stared in his eyes getting lost in the green and blue specks. When I was finally able to get my heart back to its normal place I slid down the wall onto the floor. The he slid down the walk next to me.

   We sat there for a few minutes in silence listening to the breeze flow by are ears and the random car drive by.

   "You know you almost killed her right?" he said breaking the silence. I shrugged looking at an ant crawl to the crevice in the concrete.

   "I intended to".

   He shook his head looking up at the sky. I looked over at him his necklace catching my eye it was a silver swirl that was shaped as a shield.

   I reached slowly to touch it watching him stiffen in the process. It felt cool under my touch.

   Out of the corner of my eye I saw him look over at me. Almost feeling as if he was staring right through me. I made sure I avoided eye contact.

    "Come on" he sighed standing up. "We have a long day ahead of us".

    I followed him towards the entrance watching as he fiddled with his necklace.

    "Hey Thing" I shouted. He kept walking not turning around.

    "That's not my name" he replied walking towards the front office.

   "Then what is it then?" A smile slipping on my face. He turned around smirking as he walked backward he did it so gracefully it was weird.

   "The names Travis". He replied raising his eyebrow "Use it please".

   I shrugged my shoulders turning the corner onto my hall.

   I'm not going to say I was smiling non stop because I wasn't. He had no effect on me and he couldn't I was cold blooded have been for a while, but I would say he did awake my heart. Making it flutter in my chest.

    I could finaly hear it beating and not from being angry, or adrenaline. I actually felt like a teenager, and that made me smile.



I hope all of you started your summer with a BANG!
So here's your chapter finally you know his name hoorah!!

Please vote and comment all these reads mean nothing if you don't tell me you like what your reading.

Love yah

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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