Chapter Sixteen

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Sixteen: Harry Surrenders

⚠Mature for depictions of blood and self harm. Character Death. Read at your own risk.⚠

The sky rumbled as the overcast weather was starting to set in with rain. Minute drops of pure water were sprinkling over the passersby of Diagon Alley, the beautiful and magical alley which was lined with enormous and fancy stores, each displaying their best stocks on their fronts. The crowd bubbled happily, visiting each store and picking their favourites and needs. Through this crowd were several disguised aurors on the command of their boss. Also among the crowd was one man.

A man in black cloak approached a huge, rich looking marble building. The doors opened as he walked in, the aura of power enveloped him and several people stepped aside to let him through. He smiled underneath the hood but he knew full well that they will not be able to see it. His intimidating appearance made a goblin behind a desk stand and walk to another section of the building. He followed the goblin and as soon as he was in, a seat appeared in front of a mahogany desk.

"Well, Mr Potter, I thought that you already took your file on your last visit before," the goblin started. The man beneath the hood laughed though it sounded forced.

"I thought so, too Master Ragnok but information makes it a necessity, I'm afraid. I am here to check the total amount present and deposit some money in a couple of vaults," he said as he took out a peach coloured file from his robes.

"Sure, Mr Potter. Excuse me for a second." saying so, the goblin left the desk and returned with another peach coloured file. Harry raised his eyebrows. He wanted to make sure that he had zero as the balance in his account before he deposited the money he earned in his muggle office. Ragnok placed the file on the desk and pushed it to Harry. He opened it and what he found left him astonished.

Inside the peach coloured file were the title deeds of 76, Potter Manor; 12, Grimmauld Place and 22, Potter Cottage at Godric's Hollow.

"These were the assets left after your ex-wife donated your shared wealth. You were not informed of this before as recent Azkaban releases must not take part in anything financially as per the rules of the bank. The bank knows full well how the haunting presence of a dementor would change a person."

"B-but why did she not sell these?" Harry stuttered.

"Miss Weasley said that these houses were the treasures you held close to your heart. Treasures which connected you with your parents and parental figure. Hence, she decided not to sell them," Ragnok explained. Harry's eyes misted over with tears which he tried desperately to hold in. If she cared for his sentiments, why did she reject him. . .? As if to answer that question, Ragnok spoke again. "I am a goblin, Mr Potter. I can sense that you are very much needed and loved. Do not take the wrong decision."

"Thank you for this, Master Ragnok. I wish to deposit thirty six galleons in the Weasley's family vault and forty galleons in Ginny Weasley's private vault. Also, I request of you to give full rights over these three properties to her starting tomorrow. She has the right to sell it as well. I hope I made myself clear, yes?" Harry asked, choosing to ignore Ragnok's warning. The goblin nodded. "Thank you."


He walked and walked through the thick snow as he approached the graves he was looking for. The place where his parents resided. He knelt down and conjured a wreath of flowers. He placed them just as a drop of tear rolled down his bruised cheek.

"Mum, Dad. I'm sorry. I have failed in everything. I have failed you. I let you get killed when I should have been killed. I let Sirius to be killed just because of my foolishness. I let Teddy become an orphan just because I would become the saviour. I let so many people down including my own wife due to my 'nobility' as she so correctly puts it," Harry said, his voice turning hoarse.

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