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My sleeping habits must be absolutely atrocious, because there hasn't been a single day where I remember waking up on a bed. In honesty, sleep itself hasn't been kind either. If it's not a recurring nightmare, then it's got something to do with my insecurities (once my forehead had enlarged to twice its size).

Creep was hovering over me again, eyes creased in disappointment. I wondered how long I'd been laying on the floor till he thought to wake me.

"If I ask for five more minutes," I grumbled, "will you give them to me this time?"

I heard him click his tongue. I was glad my eyes were closed, otherwise I might have kicked him in the knees for being so sarcastic this early in the morning. Or afternoon. Or whatever time it was—it's hard to tell in this moldy room.

"If you want to eat breakfast, you have to get up," he said.

I snorted. "I'm not hungry."

"You're not the only person here, Lovey."

I blinked open an eye, staring up at him. He had a good point. I'd forgotten that he wasn't allowed to leave my side, and that prevented him from eating unless I tagged along. Now that I think about it, I'm like his babysitter.

But I wasn't cruel, and I was actually hungry, so I decided to get up. Dusting off the fabric of my pyjamas, I cleared my throat. I had to piss. As I had learned sometime yesterday, this place had a bathroom—you had to leave the bedroom, go down the narrow hallway, and use the toilet meant for the apartment caretakers. I bought a set of clothes with me, so I didn't have to change in front of Creep.

"I bet you're disappointed I didn't wear the red dress," I smirked, closing the loo door behind me.

Creep was lingering outside. "I don't decide what you wear."

"That wasn't my point."

He didn't respond, so I turned on my heels, beginning to walk out of the courtyard lobby. I'd chosen to wear a yellow sundress, with white pumps that I'd purchased from Galeries Lafayette. It brought on a much needed happiness that yesterday severely lacked.

Today was a new day. I would leave this silly, depressing situation I was in, and make a new light of it. My conversation with Creep left me with hope. After thinking it through while washing my hands, I decided I should start by meeting with my boyfriend—who no doubt was worried sick about me.

"I'm going to call Percy," I called out behind me.

Creep didn't respond, so I had to glance back and make sure he was still there. He was. Perhaps he was sticking to his 'rules' still.

It wasn't long before I found a telephone booth. Slipping in some change, I dialed for the operator and requested Percy Kent. He picked up the phone a few minutes later. Hearing his voice gave me more comfort than I'd felt in days.

"[y/n]?" He said quickly into the phone, "please tell me it's you."

I smiled. "It's me."

"Where have you been? I've been so worried."

"You have?"

"I went to visit you at the Hotel, but they said you haven't checked in since the day you arrived."

"I've found somewhere else to stay," I said sheepishly. I wasn't sure how to go about explaining myself. "The hotel was too much, Perce, I hope you can understand."

WICKED | WILLIAM FRANKLYN-MILLERWhere stories live. Discover now