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Rue Bennett 

Domenic Jacobs is well known as Nate Jacobs' little brother 

well people only knew because he was Nate's little brother 

He was different. He wasn't crazy or psychotic or abusive like his father or brother. In fact, he wasn't an asshole 

people always thought Domenic was the adoptive one of his family because he was so different he didn't have the looks or alter ego like his brother Nate jacobs 

Domenic was smart sweet and gentle and actually had some respect for people Nate didn't have that respect he is and always will be an asshole 

Domenic was just a sweet innocent little boy but maybe on the inside a little bit broken 

Nate al do was very protective over his little brother well he was not a lot older than Domenic just a year but that didn't let Nate stop protecting his brother 

al do Domenic  and Nat would always fight they were brothers and loved each other even when they didn't really let it see that they loved each other 

 the jacobs family wasn't so great either Case jacobs the father of Nate and Domenic he was very abusive against his sons he probably beat them up if they would do something wrong

even when they didn't win a trophy at school he would say that he had fucked up kids and that they should never be born 

Domenic was the person that was the most in that situation his dad never really paid attention to Domenic he only was very interested in  nate and Aaron jacobs their older brother

he only was drinking and beating Domenic for something that he never did  Domenic often would come to school with bruises and a black eye at school when people would ask him what happened he always had an excuse 

Nate and Domenic always had a great bond with each other but that changed when they were fourteen and why well Maddie came into the picture the one and only Maddie Perez who fucked up everything about their lives 

Domenic and Maddie Perez were best friends from when they were just eight years old they literally did everything together from going to the beach talking about Maddie's problems 

Domenic was always very protective about Maddie Maddie and Domenic needed each other even for the most little things  Domenic always loved Maddie no matter what even when Maddie did something really stupid Domenic was the first one to pick her up 

when Maddie got her heartbroken by some stupid boy she would always come to Domenic Domenic would reassure her that would be okay and that she would always have Domenic no matter what  

that was until Domenic got enough for always being her second chance when Nate came into the picture Nate and Maddie would hang out more and more and she would tell Domenic she was busy Domenic felt betrayed and didn't want to talk to her anymore and he  was absolutely broken about it the truth was even the best people you stuck around with they will always let you fall for someone better 

Maddie let her best friend go for his stupid brother and that was the truth nobody was loyal to Domenic jacobs they would always go for his better brother 

al do Domenic still loved Maddie he hated her for the things she did to him after everything he had done for her 

Domenic never had a great bond ever again with his brother Nate because he stole the only thing that was good for him at the moment Maddie was home for him because at his real home it didn't feel like home he felt like a rat in a cage who was stuck forever 

one night Domenic decided to leave and never turn back to this awful family he realized after the car crash Nate and his dad were In his family didn't give a shit about him 

after that car crash, their little sister anna died anna was the only one who really cared about Domenic along with his mother so he lost one of the persons he actually loved again 

his family never cared about Domenic and what happened to him on that they when the car crashed and lost their daughter they only really cared about Aaron and Nate and the father about their reputation 

that was it Domenic was going true a traumatic situation and his family did nothing to help him al do his mother wanted to help Domenic his father always said that Domenic was okay and Nate needed the love and attention 

Domenic never blamed his mother because if she didn't listen to cal jacobs he would beat her up at the end of the night 

that was the last strike for Domenic why was he in this house when nobody actually cared about  him he was going true in alone after all 

so he decided to leave no note not a message he just disappeared 

after a few months they stopped searching for Domenic the most people thought that he was dead his family too the only person who knew where Domenic was was fezco the one and only drug dealer 

when Maddie got the news from Nate that Domenic was gone she was absolutely broken inside she couldn't believe it she thought it was her fault she always loved Domenic no matter what he was always there for her on the happy and sad days and she let him go for Nate she hated herself for it 

Nate also was devastated he had done more to protect his brother he missed him the weir adventures together talking about hot girls and just him just his little brother he never really showed that he missed Domenic but deep down 

he missed him the most and loved him no matter what happened 

now 2 years later he still is not back Nate became more of an asshole when his brother left and became full of anger issues and is a fuckboy drugs and sex that was everything to him and his on and off relationship with Maddie just toxic 

if Domenic found out about this he would probably beat Nate until he couldn't breathe anymore Domenic was deep down always in love with Maddie but he never had the courage to tell her his brother in fact was straightforward and could get any girl he ever wanted but Domenic would never do the things to Maddie that Nate has done to her because Maddie was his weak spot no matter what 

now two years later Nate is 18 and Domenic would be 17 and Maddie is 17 to now a new year has begun and the summer has started the start off the euphoria summer 

the summer people never saw coming the craziest things will happen 

heartbreaks drugs friendships fights about the most stupid things sex and actual love 

well-read and find out in 



ideas for this book let me know in the comments, please 

see you in the other chapter 

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