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Maddy's pov

I still can't believe that he is gone dom short for Domenic

My protector my best friend the only man that knew me I know I fucked up in multiple ways he was always there for me to pick me up if something bad was going on with me and was the only guy that ever respected me for who I am

And I let him down for his brother for my reputation I left my fucking best friend for my reputation and an abusive relationship with Nate fucking Jacobs

Domenic didn't leave when I was down he didn't throw me away like garbage like every other guy does now

Domenic was Domenic there was no man like him

No one could let me laugh my lungs out only Domenic could do that or make me excited for something like him or support me in every way like him he would always have my back but I didn't have his and I hate myself for it

And I loved him more than I have ever loved anyone not even Nate fucking Jacobs

But what I can believe is that it's my fault because I left him in the dust when he needed me and let him go for his big brother

I fell for Nate he was hot he was charming was tall and a bad boy and I fell and still fall this type of man even when I know its not good for me and that type of man will fuck me up in every way but in a kind of way girls far for the guys with a bad reputation and I was one of them

Nate was the popular football quarterback and I was the popular cheerleader perfect match, right?

Well let's say Nate and I are complicated it's a kind of relationship when the first day we say we love each other and the other day he is an abusive asshole and we break up and then make each other jealous with somebody else and then get back together and have makeup sex

I know what you think was toxic as hell but we just can't help it I just can't help it the feeling is euphoretic

But I rather had my best friend Domenic I miss my best friend and I honestly lost without Domenic Domenic the one who understood me the one who loved me for who I was

The man that was with me true thick or thin Domenic Jacobs and I lost him

Kate: Jezus Perez are you listening to me she said as she snapped me out of my daydream about Domenic

Maddy: uh sorry can you repeat it I was just thinking I said quickly because I didn't want anyone to ask me what it was about especially Kate she would just tell everyone about me and Domenic friendship because she can't keep a secret

Kate: well summer is finally starting and I asked if you were going to the party at McKay's she said looking at me

I looked at Kate if she was joking because everybody knows I am not the one who misses a party Maddy: of course do I look like the type of bitch who misses a party

Cassie: no but we thought maybe you wouldn't wanna come because Nate is coming to the party and you guys aren't really on good terms right now so she explained looking at me

Maddy: like I give a fuck imma party and no one is gonna stop me from partying and you guys know that I said looking at them they both nodded and laughed

Maddy: so see you guys at mine to change and stuff 6:15 oke

Kate: yeah see yah Perez blow me a kiss to Nate will yah she said joking I shook my head

Maddy: yeah yeah fuck you Hernandez I said stooking my middle finger up as I walked out of school this is gonna be one hell of a night

nates pov 

now I am at McKay's with his little brothers Roy and troy McKay they are my real friends along with my best friend Chris McKay troy is a drug dealer fucking stupid I know and for 14 years old he is  fucking weird  and too busy with stuff he doesn't have to worry about he is the oldest twin of the two he likes to tell people that to show that he is not the youngest of the mckays but people don't care about that tho the most people think that the twins are just fucking annoying let's just say 

troy is busy with sex drugs and with himself  and that's troy I guess and influencing his brother and friends 

let's say Roy is the same as troy only younger version by 12 minutes 

then you have Chris my best friend the pro ass footballer mkay held the star record for most receiving yards in his junior-senior year and broke a lot of school records but to me,

 he isn't just a friend or a footballer he is one of the guys who understood me with Domenic Chris is the only friend who knows what happened with Domenic I told him because I can trust him and Chris knew Domenic too 

I and Chris and Domenic were well known as the three musketeers but that changed when Domenic didn't hang with us anymore as we got older it was just me and Chris we missed Domenic but we saw that Domenic wasn't like us he was different from me I was popular and he was only known because I was his brother I changed Domenic changed and Chris changed 

after we lost our little sister anna Domenic was broken and he couldn't handle it anymore my dad is an abusive asshole I know he never loved Domenic my mom did but my mom loved me too but I could tell she didn't love as much as she loved Domenic but mom couldn't show love too Domenic she was always busy with work or something different  

Domenic and Anna always had a good bond with each other a better bond than I could ever have with someone they literally would do anything together and Domenic was always the one that protected anna no matter what 

after anna died he wouldn't talk to us anymore didn't eat and was always alone in his room 

nobody knew what happened or knew about anna or the car crash we all had a traumatic experience all because of our father he was drunk and drove into a truck 

they didn't help Domenic with his traumatic experience when I would ask my dad why he wasn't helping Domenic he would say to me that  Aaron  and I needed all the attention and that Domenic would be okay   and my brother Aaron would be okay and that I would need the attention 

when I asked my dad why i and my brother Aaron were so important to him and Domenic wasnt he  would say   

Cas jacobs :you and Aaron are strong man Nathaniel I knew I from the moment you guys were born you guys have the iron will and drive determination I've always admired you and your brother because someday it will lead you to greatness and I cants say that about Domenic he is a failure and a skinny ass freak he said to me 

when Domenic just disappeared and never come back I was broken al do I didn't show it I loved my real brother and I would love him no matter what it's been two years without him and I am slowly losing myself it's like 

there is no life without Domenic jacobs my little brother 

ideas for the next chapter let me know in the comments 

see yah In the next chapter 



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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