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fezco's pov  

It's been a hell of a day. I've been extremely busy with drug dealing. I've been doing it from when I was just a little kid. My grandma told me everything about drugs al do.

 she was a bitch off a woman she took me out of a bad place I am 19 now and I stopped with school because I really don't have the time for that shit I am a drug dealer and I always will be now in this industry there is no way out 

now here I am walking into my apartment after a long shitty day. As I walked into the living room i heard my roommate yell from the kitchen as he walked out of it 

?: whatsupp fez how was your day he asked me kindly?  

Fezco: its was fucking overwhelming but its's okay how was your day Domenic I asked him 

Domenic : boring you know as normal he said with a sad smile you could see he was high 

fezco: I know bro but I will be okay I said with a smile he nodded as I went to the bedroom to take a quick shower as I stepped into the bedroom I felt the warm water run over my body 

and began to think about things 

i remembered when domenic came to live with me it was hard for him he was absolutely broken he had the most fucked up family you could ever have they were just the kind of parents who would only give a fuck about you if you had a reputation

after domenic's little sister anna died he was absolutely broken inside he wouldn't talk or eat he didn't even write songs wich was his passion 

me and domenic know each other for a long time as i grew up in a stripclub he was my friend we love each other like brothers he is my family and will always be no matter  what happens to him i will help him because i know he would do the same for me 

after his family and a lot people thought he was dead he came to me and asked if he could live with ofcourse i said yes and now we run my drug company together 

domenic never did drugs when he was younger but he changed a lot he isn't the innocent boy anymore that he was he has the biggest balls from every person i know he isn't scared anymore he isn't that small little guy anymore that never couldn't fight for himself 

he is tall and i bet the girls would fall for him in a second he still wasn't like his brother nate he would never be like him i know domenic if one thing was sure about him he would never act like his brother or father 

he just had a bigger mouth and let no one walk over him ever again 

he has been off the radar for 2 years he 17 now its been two years since he saw his friends and brother and well know ex best friend maddy perez well known as the angel of domenic's heart 

we never really talk about maddy though its a sor topic for him he misses her a lot but what she has done to him is fucked up 

but its time for him to show himself again and i bet its gone be a fucking part

i wonder people are even gone recognize him and how maddy is gone react and finally realised in what she has lost  and nate finally realises that he isn't the big brother anymore that can control domenic because its domenic's time now 

as i changed into my clothes i went to talk to domenic i walked into the living room and saw him on the couch just sitting '

Fezco: hey can we talk i said looking at him as i sat down next to him he looked at me 

domenic : yes ofcourse man whats wrong he said to me 

fezco: i think should go back and show yourself he looked at me shocked if i was insane 

Domenic : WHAT are you FUCKING INSANE ! he said yelling at me 

Fezco: think about it dom its been two fucking years you have to stop hiding yourself its like you let your family control you like you said they cant do anything to you anymore remember i said with frustration he only looked at me 

Fezco : look dom man you can still in the apartment but you need to stop hiding and start living your life look at you your not that little insecure guy anymore you can stand your dad and i know it  i know what you've been true is been a lot but i always be there for you no matter what I've always got your back because i love you man so go out there and let them see who you are i said to him he started smiling he never smiled anymore but i got it out of him 

domenic : your right he said i stared at him in shock your right man i need to live my life but i wouldn't be easy for me and you know it i nodded but i will try he said 

i looked at smiling and gave him a bro hug and he hugged me back 

domenic : i love you man he said he never really said it but i knew we loved each other like brother no matter what 

fezco : i love you to bro till the end of the line right i said looking at him he nodded 

domenic : till the end of the line brother we did our handshake

domenic : so what is your plan for the one of the most shocking entrance he said smirking at me i smirked back 

fezco : well i said smirking were gone ............

any ideas for the book let me know in the comments 

thankyou for reading babes until the next one 



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