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Driving to Tony's humble cottage living. I've done the drive hundreds of times and occasionally fly. This time I did it with Pops, Mama, and Scott 

"Corsair!" Tony spoke fondly as I stepped out of the car. I smiled and shook my head at the nickname. 

"Hia Gryffindor" I smiled cheekily at him as I greeted him with his nickname. 

"Corsair?" Scott asked himself. Causing me to chuckle slightly

"Where's my troublemaker of a goddaughter" I crouched as in a hunting position. I heard a little girl giggle off to the side by a small little tent. I made my way over quietly as I ignored the four adults deciding in focusing on greeting Morgan. "I shall find you and GOBBLE YOU!" I opened the tent only to find a small foot slinking out the back. "Gotcha!" I leaped and opened my wings engulfing the little girl in my arms and my cacoon of wings. 

She laughed as I stood up and propped her on my hip in one motion. "now whats the proper way to greet your godmother"

"Hi Kam!" Morgan threw her arms around my shoulder for a hug. 

"There you go, munchkin" I tickled her "Now see if your Mom needs help with anything" I set her down and she went running into the house. 

I rejoined the group folding my wings back and sitting in a chair backward. I listened to the conversation. Tony wasn't sure about what Pops and Scott were trying to do. Not sure about the idea of time travel. It sounded insane to me as well.

Morgan ran out a moment later and went to Tony. "Mommy sent me to save you"

"You did a wonderful job" He wrapped his arms around her small frame and stood "I'll think about it but I highly doubt it's possible, sorry Capsicle"

"Thanks for listening, Tony," Pops said politely 

"Am I still on for Saturday?" I asked 

"Wouldn't cancel date night would I since I have a great babysitter, Corsair?" Tony said smiling

"good. see you then, Gryffindor" I nodded smiling.


On the way back to the compound "So Tony's nickname for you is corsair?" Mama asked from the front seat.

"yes" I nodded

"Well I'll say it's better than triple imposter" she chuckled

"Why Corsair?" Scott asked from beside me.

"It's a plane from WWII. it has a star on the wings. Tony had seen how my wings are painted and he's called me that ever since"

"The F4U Corsair," Pops said to himself "good fighters" that part was a bit louder.


We were trying to problem-solve with the Smart Hulk aka Dr. Banner who had in five years' time somehow turned himself into big green while staying in control resulting in a smaller version of the Hulk. It weirded me out, to be honest. 

We were having difficulties... 

Scott had been brought back as an old man, baby, and many other stages of his life. That is till Tony showed up speeding in his Audi. 

It was Friday, the day after we had talked, and a day before I was going to babysit. Bruce Hulk and Tony worked on a larger model of the time machine. One that would probably work correctly seeing as Tony is a mechanical genius. 

I mean he did stuff to the BMW i8 that he gave me. He had also gotten bored in his Cottage living and in his free time fashioned me an Asgardian-esc superhero suit. It looked rather close to something Pa and Popeye would wear but also mixed that of my human parents.  The suit was still black and gold but instead of the original style the HYDRA suit had been it had changed to something similar to what Papi had worn along with what I had taken to be my logo as a metal button on the left side of my chest that held the leather in place.

I hadn't the chance to wear it since there wasn't a need. It was designed after the battle with Thanos in Wakanda. 

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