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The star-spangled man with a plan had gone rogue, and his ally, Sam Wilson—Falcon—was right there with him. I tracked them all the way to Romania. From my hidden perch across from the building where the Winter Soldier was holed up, I watched, carefully positioned in the shadows, out of reach from Captain Rogers' watchful eyes and SHIELD's surveillance.

This mission was different. I wasn't here to kill. I was here to extract the Winter Soldier and take down the man who lured him out. But that wasn't my usual style. Shadows don't retrieve people—they eliminate them. The thought of bringing someone in rather than taking them out gnawed at me.

They managed to escape before I could make my move, but I let them go. I had a plan, and it required patience. There would be a next time. And that time would be in a warehouse in Germany.

I grit my teeth, biding my time as I watched from the shadows. I couldn't strike yet—not while Rogers was still around. I couldn't let him know I existed. Not yet. I watched as they armed themselves and raced toward the airport. Another showdown was on its way.

Winter and Falcon broke off from the main group, but soon they had company—a young Spider-child, new to the game but fast enough to pin them both down. When he left to join the larger fight outside, I knew my moment had come.

Forgive me, HYDRA.

I stepped out of the shadows, the dim light catching the black of my suit. "Пора домой, брат" ("It's time to go home, brother"), I said, walking towards them. Their heads snapped in my direction.

"Who the hell is that?" Falcon shouted, struggling against the webbing that bound him.

Winter's expression hardened as he recognized me. "Ker?" he whispered; disbelief evident in his voice.

"Брат, ты меня помнишь?" ("Brother, you remember me?") I asked, getting closer.

His eyes narrowed. "Я не твой брат." ("I'm not your brother.")

I raised an eyebrow. "I see your attitude hasn't changed." I crossed my arms over my chest, my posture relaxed but ready. "Who the hell are you?" Falcon demanded, wriggling in his restraints.

"Sam Wilson," I said, almost playfully, glancing down at him, "Pleasure to meet you."

"You didn't answer my question!"

A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips. "If I told you, I'd have to kill you. Consider yourself lucky I'm sparing you for now." His discomfort was evident, and I savored it. I turned my attention back to Winter. "You've had your fun, but it's time to come home." I crouched down, my face inches from his.

"HYDRA went down when SHIELD collapsed!" Falcon exclaimed from the floor.

"Did it?" I tilted my head slightly, smiling as I conjured a dagger from my blue-green magic, the blade gleaming dangerously. I placed it on the floor between them, just out of reach. "Скоро увидимся, брат" ("I'll see you soon, brother").

I backed away into the shadows, disappearing before they could react.

"Who the hell was that?" Falcon's voice carried through the air as I listened from the dark.

"They call her Ker," Winter replied in a flat, emotionless tone. "She's HYDRA's prized weapon. I trained her."

"Ker? What kind of name is that?" Falcon spat, clearly still rattled.

"It's from Greek mythology," Winter continued. "Ker or Keres were female death spirits—goddesses of violent death."

I clenched my fists at the insult, staying out of sight as Winter continued. "Be glad she let you live. Her missions are always violent. She's never seen. She broke HYDRA's only rule for her to come after me."

"HYDRA's rule for her?" Falcon's curiosity was piqued.

"Be heard, not seen."

"Isn't that saying the other way around?"

"Not for her." Winter's voice was low, ominous. "Remember the disaster with the two cruise ships in the harbor?"

"Of course," Falcon responded, his tone quieter. "One ship malfunctioned and crashed into the other. No survivors."

Winter paused. "That was her."

The silence hung thick in the air. Falcon's voice finally broke through. "You need to tell Cap."

"I need to deal with her. Cap won't believe it without proof."

I had heard enough. Winter now knew HYDRA was after him. He'd slip up soon, and when he did, I'd be there to bring him back.


It was getting frustrating. Winter was never alone. I could handle taking down his companions, but that was more work than I needed. Winter on his own was difficult enough. Now, with Captain Rogers at his side, they had vanished. I needed a new plan.

And I found it in Tony Stark.

When I finally caught Stark alone, my blue-green magic infiltrated his mind, subtly stoking the doubts that already lingered. Rogers' story was starting to sound less far-fetched to him. I probed deeper, searching for a name—Zemo. Perfect. Maybe I could kill two birds with one stone.

I shadowed Stark as he flew toward his destination, keeping a safe distance. The wind whipped through my hair as I flew through the clouds, my wings stretching wide. This kind of freedom, the thrill of flight, was exhilarating. If only it could last forever.

But soon enough, Stark landed, disappearing into a familiar-looking bunker. I hovered above for a moment, giving him a head start before I touched down silently. My wings, though large, made little noise, keeping me concealed as I moved through the cold, damp building.

The sound of Zemo's voice echoed through the cement halls, unsettling me. I kept to the shadows, trailing Stark, Rogers, and Winter into the chamber. My grip tightened on the knife in my hand as I saw the TV screen flicker on.

I knew what this was. One of Winter's old missions, meant to shatter the fragile trust between them. Without a second thought, I hurled my knife, shattering the screen.

"Ah," Zemo's voice drawled. "HYDRA's prized Project Palingenesis has arrived."

I stepped out of the shadows, my face an expressionless mask. "As much as I'd love to watch you tear each other apart, I don't have the time or patience."

Zemo smirked, attempting to distract me. "Your file doesn't do you justice. You're even more stunning in person."

My eyes narrowed. "You're not HYDRA. You shouldn't know about me." I approached, every step deliberate, sending the group on edge. Winter tensed; his eyes locked on me. "But HYDRA noticed when you flushed out one of our own. For that, we thank you."

Stark interjected, trying to keep control. "HYDRA fell when SHIELD did. It's over."

"Is it?" I mused, my tone mocking. "You might want to rethink that, Mr. Stark." With a subtle shift, I unfurled my wings, their span tripling in size, casting an imposing shadow over the room.

The tension was palpable, but I remained calm. This was far from over.

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