Its swimming day

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Bella's Pov

She was about to confess the name and further story when the door of Ashton's bed barged open and Sofia came out and then I heard a loud bang i totally ignored Sofia and rushed towards Ashton I didn't realize that I pushed Sofia on my way

When I entered the room I saw  the bathroom mirror was shredded and there were glass all over the floor the washbasin everything was covered in glass

Ashton suddenly hit the mirror with his feist thank God the mirror was already broken

''No stop'' I rushed to him

''Are you crazy Ashton look it's bleeding''

''I'm fine'' he said dryly

I cleaned his wound and wrapped a bandage around his knuckles he didn't said anything and I think he didn't even noticed when I started and when I finished

I placed my hands on his knees ''Don't worry give her some time and everything will be fine''

He looked at me and exhale ''It won't be that easy duck she is to stubborn and I did a very big mistake''

''I know but she also loves you a lot''

''BELLA COME ON'' Clara shouted

''I thought shopping plan was canceled''

''Yes it is we are going for swim I didn't knew we have a swimming pool'' I folded my hands on my ribs

He chuckled and unfolded them ''Don't do that your tits are enough noticable''

My eyes and mouth were hung open . How the hell can he say that

''You.. you are a horrible man'' I covered my ears and rushed out

Sofia's Pov

When Bella came her eyes were frowning and she was twitching her nose

''What happen''

''Disgusting Man'' she said


''Nothing come on I really need water my brain is Boling how dare he. Do you have something to wear''

She pointed at the bed I was cursing him in my mind and picked randomly whatever cane in my hand and went inside the bathroom

Sofia's Pov

I looked at Clara and she shrugged we also changed out swim suits I love green colour it was my favorite

I looked at Clara and she shrugged we also changed out swim suits I love green colour it was my favorite

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Clara and me do our shopping together except she has more branded stuffs then me

Clara and me do our shopping together except she has more branded stuffs then me

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