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Bella's Pov

I'm a morning person no matter how late I sleep I wake up with something heavy on my stomach well I'm not used to sleep with something or someone I looked down  Ashton's palm was resting on my stomach and I was sleeping on his other hand I smiled on the sight it was so good to wake up like this without any worry of expenses of hospital my living , food

I looked at Ashton and realized he was without shirt this was the first time I'm seeing a man this close his body was hard as rock and his abs could be counted from a mile his hands was large According to Maria and Rose I was a big girl in personality my height was 5.4 and after the treatment my weight increased 10 kg in 15 days soo I was 67 currently but  his palm covered my stomach area perfectly . Hmm that's why God gave me broad personality because my husband was double in size then me

Husband yes the word which I run away for years

His scars wasn't something you can ignore some above his chest right on his heart like he was stabbed some was around his belly button and one was traveling from his hip bone to don't know where his trouser was blocking the view

''Don't go further down Baby until you are ready for the consequences'' I didn't realize I was tracing them until his voice ring in my ear

God his morning voice was deep and husky I never have heard such heavy voice I retreated my hand ''sorry I didn't intend to wake you up'' in compare to his my voice sound like a trapped mouse

He chuckled ''Why are you up baby it's just 7 come on i wanna sleep some more'' and pressed me in his chest I wiggled ''i need to use washroom Ashton'' I want to say a simple sentence but it came out like a whisper why the hell I'm so under his aura i don't know

''Come back fast baby'' he said and kissed my forehead a simple gesture and butterfly started wiggling in my stomach

I quickly detached myself from him and rushed in the bathroom after my morning routine i decided to take bath since there is no way I can sleep again with a hulk like husband beside me

After bath I peeked my head and saw Ashton was sleeping soundly I decided to wear a baggy sweater and loose pants since I was going to cook something today

When I came out Aston was up and was frowning his eyes were throwing daggers on his laptop screen I slowly went towards him a massage his forehead with my fingers ''calm down a relaxed min can fix things without violence

He quirked his one eyebrow and shook his head
''I need to talk on this with you from a long time come'' he shoved his laptop aside and gave his his hand . I was confused but follows him and soon I find myself strangling him my knees on each side of his thighs he was quick with his actions I was on his laps before I even knew

''Sit'' his voice was demanding. NO there is now way I was sitting on his lap in that position I shook my head I was about to open my mouth when he placed his hand on my breast and squeezed it lightly I gasped and my knees gave up when I opened my eyes I found him smirking and guess what I was sitting right above him our middle parts were stick together. Thank God I was in my pants

''Bella listen to me carefully and try to understand me baby I know you are new to this world and me but plz don't try to change me if I became soft hearted in my world i would be crushed in a matter of seconds I won't be able to protect YOU my family I need to be stone hearted I need to be a Monster to survive I'm the king because I'm the most cruel Man in my world and I came this far because I want to be I can't live if I live Mafia this world runs in my blood I love my work and'' he sighs ''and I can't leave this World MY world so baby plzz tell me to take my life and I will happily shoot myself but plzz Don ever ask me to leave my Mafia'' he said with such a emotion like a mother is talking about his child

I smiled and cupped his cheeks ''Why would you think I will do that''

Ashton Pov

She took her lower lip between her teeth and released slowly Fuck I'm getting hard with such a simple action

Then slowly she circled her arms around my neck and layed her head on my shoulder ''I accepted you as you are like you did with me I am happy that you didn't hide anything from me and I would never try to take anything from you which you love I like you the way you are'' her last sentence was a little whispered as If she didn't want me to hear

I tighten my hold around her waist and hugged her tightly and kissed her shoulder blade multiple time ''I'm soo happy YOU made me so happy I love you baby I love you soo much''

When she backs from my chest a whole big smile was plastered on her face ''I know come on get up I'm cooking lunch today so I need to see I have every ingredient or I have to buy them soo leave me'' she said and and try encircling my arms

''No you can't leave the bed baby''

''Why'' she asked

I holded her from her waist and swiftly turn her so that her back was on bed and I was on my knees between her legs. She squealed and place her hand on her forehead ''stop twisting me I'm human being not dough and don't you think I'm a little heavy'' she asked sitting up a bit on her elbow

''No princess you are perfect I don't like girls with just bone and skin'' I said trailing my hands from her shoulder to her length of hand and rested them on her hip bone and swiftly turn her ''On your four baby'' I can sense She don't wanna obey and was going to argue
I swing my hand on her right bum and her breathing hitched

She was Breathing heavily ''I'm gonna ask you some questions baby and You have will answer in Yes and have 3 sec ok'' she nodded

''Words baby'' I said and rubbed her bum to ease some pain

''Yes'' she breathed

''You don't like when I touch you'' This was the question I have been dying to ask because according to her friends she won't answer my any intimate questions nicely I have to find a hard way they said because shez Hella stubborn

''No'' she said in less then a sec

''Hmm thank you baby'' I praised her and kissed on her back bone she again quivered and pressed her head on the pillow

Fuck I love the way she reacts to my touch she was so fucking sensitive even a simple touch awakes goosebumps all over her body

''You don't want to have sex with me'' I asked she stayed quite I started counting 1 2 3 and I spanked her a little hard she flinched but didn't answer I again counted 1 2 3 and repeated after fourth spank she shouted

''NO'' her breathing was uneven

I Bend till I reach her ear and whispered ''You don't know how happy I'm baby BUT no one disrespect the King baby not even the Queen and by not giving me the answer you have disrespected me'' I backed away and my inside Capo was wide awake ''Don't move a muscle or you will be naked for the whole day'' She gasped audible but stayed intact on her fours

I grabbed her  from her waist and spin on her back I put my thumb inside her pants and roughly removed in one swift move she clenched her legs together and buried her face in her palms there this silly was again in her shorts don't she has any panties I thought but Fuck it

I removed my trouser but let my boxer stay it will be to much and hovered her kissing her forehead cheeks I want to kiss and touch every part of her body but let her sweater stay Fuck this is the first time I'm looking her in light her legs wasn't smooth like the one I have slept she was a normal girl and I'm more then happy with my decision she was MY Wife

Fuck I need a release

Sorry for the small chapter

I will post soon

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