An odd experience

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Ash's vision was all blurry, and he couldn't focus as he felt like he was blacking out.

"Gaah!" He opened his eyes, but the surrounding was completely different. There was no noise, no disturbances.

"Where am i? What is this?" He thought to himself in complete confusion.

"Oooh he is adorable isn't he?" Ash heard a feminine voice, which was very familiar.

"After all, he is our son."

Ash saw his mother and father at the hospital. Delia was holding a baby in her hands.

"Is that me?!" Ash thought to himself.

Ash heard another voice. He saw his younger self helping a certain honey haired girl.

"See this? This will make it better" All done!
now watch this- feel better feel better right away!"

"Aahgh, it still hurts i can't stand up"

"Don't give up till its over kay? Now come on"

"Ar- are these my memories? Am i d- dying?" Ash was really confused.

Ash saw another memory of himself.

"I think i should warn you, there is a problem with this last one"

"Proffesor I'll take it! I'll have to have a pokemon"

"Well in that case..." Oak hestitated as he handed the pokeball to ash.

From inside the pokeball came out a pikachu

"I still remember the day i met pikachu, we didn't get along so well at the beginning, but now we are best budds" Ash thought to himself.

His most important memories kept flashing before his eyes. How he made so many friends, caught to many pokemon, travelled through so many region.

After all the memories flashed before his eyes, there was a dead silence.

Not a sound to be heard, not a thing in sight,
He closed his eyes.

suddenly his surrounding all lightened up.

Ash opened his eyes. It was an unfamiliar place, It was a house. He was facing a window. Outside the window was a beautiful garden.

He slowly turned around...

He was in a bedroom, and a person was sitting there. It was him, but older.


Ash looked around the room, the walls and shelves were covered with achievements. But the one that caught his eye was the glorius line of 8 achievements.

"Ash kethum, champion of kanto"

"Ash kethum, champion of johto"

"Ash kethum, champion of hoenn"

"Ash kethum, champion of sinnoh"

"Ash kethum, champion of unova"

"Ash kethum, champion of kalos"

"Ash kethum, champion of alola"

"Ash kethum, champion of galar"

Ash was dumbstruck. "Is this my imagination?!" He thought.

"Chaaaaaa!" The Pikachu squealed in delight. Older Ash was petting his pikachu, while sitting there on the bed.

"Daddy come on! Mommy said lunch is ready" Ash heard a voice of a girl.

"Daddy daddy can i play with pikachu pleeeeeaaaase?" Ash heard another voice, it was a little boy.

"Coming sweetie!"

"Go ahead, play with pikachu all you want, but be at the dining-table soon ok?" The older ash replied.

Just then a certain girl came up to the other ash and hugged him from behind, giving a little peck on the cheek.

now all grown up, but still her honey-blonde hair, ocean-eyes and her glamorous attire was all ash needed to understand who she was...

"Come on honey lunch is ready!" She said.

"Great I'm starving after all the training pikachu and i did awhile back." The other ash said.

"Se- se re n a?" Those were the only words which came to ash's mind.

Everyone got out of the room, leaving a confused and dumbstruck ash behind.


"ASH, ASH, AASH WAKE UP!!!" Ash slowly came back to his senses, as he saw Goh desperately trying wake ash up.

"What happened?" Ash asked.

"Well you fell into the water unconscious, ferrothorn and I pulled you back up. Are you okay? Here drink some water" Goh said worryingly as he handed ash a bottle of water.

"I'm fine, really nothing happened to me Goh! Sorry for making you worry..." Ash said as he drifted into his thoughts.

"Thanks for your help Ash and Goh!" Professor Cerise said as he received the samples from ash and goh.

"Your welcome professor" Both of them said and walked away.

Ash was still deep in his thoughts.

"All the things i saw were my memories, the times I've spent with my friends and pokemon, but what was that that i saw at the end..."

" Was that really... My future?!"


Was that really... My Future?!Where stories live. Discover now