Oh the chaos

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Elle's POV

We made our doc appointment, trying to fit it in with everything else I have going on right now is not the easiest.  I had a dress fitting this afternoon and what do I tell the lady re my dress and maybe make it a little bigger, without letting on why to anyone.  Rachel had to come with me, for I needed that buffer so that things weren't said yet.  

I slip on my dress, stand in front of the mirror looking at it, it was beautiful, so simple but elegant all in one.  Shoulder straps that hung off the shoulders, sweetheart neckline, fit tight to my hips, then flowed out, it kind of reminded me of my mom's, typical 80's look.  There were small crystals sewn around the top of the bodice, it just sparkled.  The one I did notice, for some reason, well I think I know why the top felt a bit tight especially across the breast.  The lady doing my alterations noticed, (oh yeah forgot to say June was with us in why I need Rachel there) I gave a little tug to see if there was room for growth or was going to be a problem too.

"Deary your breast don't fit this, maybe we did the wrong measurements, I will measure you again to see."

"Ok" As I shot a look to Rachel as to say help.

"June, Elle wanted me to show you this dress she really liked to wear off on her honeymoon."

Thank god June didn't catch on, she just followed along.

I looked at the lady and very calmly explained what was going on and asked her not to say a word until I say we can.  She smiled and proceeded to do the measurements.

"Oh dear, they did this wrong, a quick fix and it will all be fine."  Then in a whisper, she says to me, "Do you want me to let a little out her as well, I mean you wouldn't need much it is only a month away so all should be good."

I nodded and hoped June didn't just hear or see any of this. The rest of the appointment went good, June did not catch on to anything, now I have to meet Noah to get to the doctor's appointment.  After giving all our hugs and kisses goodbye June left, Rachel wiped her brow in a thank god we did it.  

I arrive at the docs office and Noah is already there waiting,

"Sorry was trying to do the dress thing and not let your mom know what is going on and get here quickly."

"It's ok we have time."  He takes my hand and we head in, the nurse takes us directly to the room, and gets me to slip into the gown.  As we wait I am so nervous, I just wish I know how far along I am, I am assuming roughly three weeks if not less, but we will see.  the doc comes in does all his usual stuff, had to pee in a cup, plus give blood, then he set the ultrasound up to verify what the pee test confirmed, it is just to wait on the blood, but at this point, from the examine to everything else, it is pretty positive.  As I lay on the bed, Noah holding my hand so tight, I am trying so hard not to get mad cause he is hurting my hand, when the doc pipes up,

"Look, there is your baby's strong heartbeat, you look to be about 3 1/2 weeks closer to 4."

Noah just stood there stunned, and I probably looked just the same.  We stared at this picture, it didn't seem real.  4 weeks kept going through my head, how did that happen, I mean I know but I had only missed one period I just couldn't figure it out.  I asked the doc and he explained that my last period was probably on the light side and causing ovulation to happen sooner, it does happen from time to time. We booked our next appointment and headed home with our picture of our baby to be with us.  

"So when do we tell the parents?"

"I don't know, they say we should wait three months, but these are our parents, and if anything were to happen and they didn't know they would be mad."

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