Chapter Four

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Whis' POV

Vegeta's groan is musical as it hits my ears. He shuffles against me, burying his face into my chest. Gods, I don't want to wake him for fear that this all might be a dream. Gingerly, I press my lips to his forehead.

He stirs after this notion, unfortunately fluttering his beautiful eyes open to slowly peek up at me.

"M-mph. What time is it?" His raspy voice sends waves of heat throughout my body, my lower half twitching.

Dammit, prince.

"Early. If you'd like, you can go back to sleep."

I don't want to let you go is what it translates to.

"N-no. We have to go back to Earth... Bulma's probably worried." He blushes brightly, most likely reminiscing of what took place yesterday. Whether it's guilt or flusteredness is lost on me.

The tension, awkward and sexual, is too palpable. I want to finish what we started.

"We should go then." I caress the side of his face, watching in utter bliss as he shivers. So sensitive.

"Yeah... we uh... we definitely should get up and go." He's made no attempt to leave my hold nor have I tried to move him. In fact he's wrapped his arms around me, slightly grinding against me. I curse underneath my breath, unable to stop myself from pressing my mouth to his.

How could one mortal affect me so much?

Before we can get too far into each other, he pulls away with a low whine. "Aren't you supposed to be the angel?" A sly smirk plays on his lips as he shuffles away from me to gather his belongings.

"Things change, prince."


Vegeta's POV

Is it bad that I am already dreading leaving Whis? Especially because now I'll have to work overtime to erase this stupid shit eating grin I've been wearing since we left Lord Beerus' planet.

We are about seven minutes away from Earth and although we haven't spoken much, the silence is comfortable. With the hand that's not on his back to guarantee I don't turn to space dust, I take my other one and gently intertwine it with his.

He chuckles, a bit surprised but overall joyful and smiles so wide I can see it from back here...

"Here we are, prince. Home sweet home." I cringe outwardly as we hover above the blue and green celestial planet I had dwelled on for over a decade.


With Bulma...

The guilt I thought would bury me alive is non-existent now, overpowered by unmistakable lust. I don't want him to go but what choice do I have? An angel whose main priority is to guard the god I hate and me, a fallen prince? Together. Please..

Just thinking about it turns my stomach. Yet being without him yields the same result.

"Thank you for the training session, Whis." I smile tenderly at him before I can stop it. He's beautiful, his violet eyes glimmering in Earth's sun.

"You're quite welcome. Pleasure was all mine, really. Tell Bulma I say hello." Whis smirks before turning all the way around, keeping me secure by wrapping my legs around his waist and taking my breath away by kissing me with those... damn feather like lips of his. Shivering when he pulls away, he then descends to Earth as if nothing ever happened.

"You ever wanna come again without bystanders, just let me know. Farewell, prince. Greetings and salutations, Bulma. See you later."

My ears turn red hot at the double entendre but being that my wife is standing there impatiently, tapping a foot, I am not granted the reaction time I so desperately deserve. A silent whimper is all I can muster. He can see it in my eyes, looking down as a hint of smugness dances on his facial features.

A flash of shimmer and clear rainbow lights cascades across the Earth and just like that Whis is gone, no doubt understanding how badly I want to go with him.

After calming Bulma down, no not like that, I come to a reality shattering conclusion. One night with Whis has washed away any genuine love I may have had for the blue haired woman getting ready for bed. I died for this woman and now, here in this moment in time, I truly feel nothing. Not even hate, just... emptiness.

"You're amazing, Vegeta. Truly. I love you with all my heart." Her words feel like deep knives plunging my skin over and over. As she cuddles up to me, I numbly place an arm around her waist, kissing her forehead with a grimace.

"I love you too." Four simple words farthest from the truth. Whis, what have you done to me...?


I have been working on something taboo and new. I'd like for you to check out please. It's a Rick x Morty fanfic called Asinine Attraction. First chapter is already up! Give me feedback & comments. I'd really like your opinion on it. Take care, sweet babies! Mwah! 💛✨

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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