Moonlight walk

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The nights grew cold in the desert as the moon rose high above in the blue sparkle specked star filled sky the serpentine settled in for the night all safe warm and happy with their loved ones while the birds and outer walls kept them secure and safe .
Y/n walked beside the king of snakes Skales
He slitherd along side her loved human
He now called his wife .
"The moonlight is soo beautiful Skales "
Skales red eyes gazed out to his kingdom
He nodded
"Yess -yes it is y/n-our people are happy and content here -my queen "
Y/n nods she was dressed in the finest silken clothes ouroboros had to give adoring with certain colors that portrayed hipnobrai tribe grey fading to black blue becomes into faded light blue pearls litters her clothes silver earrings jade bracelets with sapphire as its twin
Y/n never imaged she'd be wearing anything so very rare so hard to come by now a days and whole cost a arm and leg to get in the humans world of ninjago in any place or market.
Y/n sighed
Skales looked at her
"Y/n what isssss it ?"
He placed a hand on her shoulder
"Both Skales I just never imaged all this"
She gently gazed out and gestures to the city and herself
"Me being in this being a queen it's a lot to process "
Skales nods holding his golden staff
"I understand -I too had a lot todo when I became king ....ruler-ship is not the easiest amounting to but it comes with time-and patients-sweet one"
Y/n nods she laid her head on his chest he wrapped his tail around her and he held her to him his heart beat soothing to her
He nuzzled her neck and kissed it
Y/n smiled as she traced his scales
"What Skales?"
"Nothing you are just so very and pleasantly warm for me to hold I do love it "
Y/n smiled and hugged him more after alittle they walked thought the court yard hipnobrai gaurds bowed to their rulers
"my lord and lady "
They nod back
"As you were balsha-" Skales said
Skales looked seeing the blue japper lilies in bloom he smiled and plucked one from its perch on the thicket of green he showed it to y/n "for you my sweet "
He placed it in her hair he smiled and held her face
"Such beauty "
Skales leaned in and kissed y/n sweetly y/n held him closer Skales wrapped his tail around her holding her close to his body a primal feeling came from him  .Y/n could sense it .
Skales pulled back and Locke her neck
"Mine-all mine -no one els can have you/hissssss/ your mine to lavish .to hold .to love....."
Y/n never in a million millennia Imagened loveing a cobra hipnobria king of snakes under the full noonin the court yard of ouroboros.
Skales sighed a growl deep in his chest
"Skales ?"
Skales shook his head
"S-sorry -sweetheart-I -it's the serpentine in me -you have a lot to learn-of our kind but I will not -push it all on you -but you must know when we are close like we are -I get very instinctively connected to my cobra self -I shit all though out and just know two things -myself and you "
Y/n nods looking at him
"Come let us go back to the palace now it growsss late and we must rest "

Skales and y/n head back
But y/n dealt as if they were Being  watched by someone
Little did the king and queen know
Fangtom watched them from the far brushes hidden in the deep green his white eyes glued on y/n he licked his fagned lips watching her go with his best friend Skales

"Mmmm maybe Skales shall share her-brother?"

"You think -I think we should have a taste of her ourselves when Skales is not around-what do you say huh?"

"I think the queen needs to know Skales is not the only one who wantsssssss her "
And with that dang slinked away planning out his plan to get y/n to himself for the day tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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