Chapter - 4

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After class, she walked towards the gateway but someone called her from behind "Excuse me, miss!"


"May I talk to you for a minute?" asked a stranger in a snappy little manner intended to be businesslike.

"With me? Ummm, o-okay! Go ahead" Sarat nodded with hesitation.

"You don't know me. It's the first time you are seeing me but I have seen you for a couple of days. I respect the way you cover yourself with Abaya and Niqaab, and to be honest, I was looking for a person like you to spend the rest of my life" he bluntly uttered.

"Sorry?" she narrowed her eyes with a frown which gave the guy an obvious clue that she wasn't pleased to hear his words.

"I know you might think I am a bad guy trying to hit on you so randomly, but trust me, I am not at all like this. I am a junior officer of an Islamic Bank near your institution. For work purposes, I came here frequently and noticed you a few times. And believe me, it took time for me to gather the courage to approach you today" he clarified everything honestly.

With a gulp, Sarat asked innocently "approach me for what?"

"To ask your address so that I can send my parents to your home to seek your hand in marriage. So, if you don't mind may I get your father's number and your address, please?" he requested with a gentle smile on his slightly nervous face.

"I am already married."

He was stunned hearing her reply. "You are kidding me, right?"

She shook her head to negative, then gave salam and left the place immediately before that man could ask anything else.

She quickly passed through the front gate and saw Afzah, sitting inside a black Toyota, opening the window she was waving her hand and calling Sarat, "Here, here, come here."

She ran towards the car and got inside the back seat. Her breath was harsh, she looked not so well.

"What happened Sarat? Just now, you ran as if you escaped from someone. Don't you think so Ahraan bhai?" Afzah asked.

Sarat didn't know how to answer. She looked up at the driving seat where Arhaan was sitting and driving without answering any of his sister's questions.

"Na...nothing, I was feeling hot, so...." She excused with a forced smile and gazing down at her hands, affirmed "I am fine, don't worry."

There was a strange kind of anxiety and fear in her voice. Arhaan could notice it but didn't want to make her more afraid, so he asked Afzah to shut up or else he won't mind throwing her away from his car.

Saying sorry sorry sorry, won't disturb you, Afzah started conversing with Sarat.

When both ladies were busy talking, he stole a glimpse of Sarat from the looking glass mirror and continued driving as if he didn't exist in between them.

When Afzah was busy in her non-stop chattering, Sarat peeped at Arhaan many times thinking on her mind that even looking at his back, gives her a sense of protection.

The kind of security that she could only find being with her beloved parents.

Deep down inside her heart, she wished if, only if today, her papa was alive. Only if, today, mama was here with her.

Nikhaat's face was flashing in her eyes, her heart was about to cry. Perhaps, she would have been completely broken and alone unless Allah sent Arhaan and his family right before calling her mama up to Him in heaven.

Time did run away rapidly.

It's been three and a half months since her mama died. Ever since that day, she has been staying with Afiya and Mr Obaidul's old house.

They were good to her. Afiya is so affectionate towards her and she reminds her about Nikhaat.

She sleeps with Afzah in her room and they become best friends and sisters. And Ahraan?

He doesn't talk much with Sarat but he is not so bad either. He would ask Afzah whether Sarat is having her meals on time. He would ask Afzah if Sarat is having any difficulty sleeping and if she needs anything.

To be honest, he may not show but he cares for her.

She prayed to Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala for her parents and asked Him to take care of them. And she also thanked Allah for looking after her and giving her a new family full of love.

Then she rested her head on the shoulder of Afzah and told, "I am feeling exhausted. Will you wake me up if I doze off?"

"No worry, sweetheart. You can count on me. I will wake you up once we reach home."

"Thank you."

Keeping her eyes closed, she was talking inside her heart that she didn't dare to talk aloud "Arhaan, you know, today a guy approached me.

I was so scared when he mentioned marrying me. For a moment, my breath stopped. I thought he will snatch me away from you, but then, I laughed at myself. Do you know why?

Because you won't be afraid to lose me, right? I know.

I should rather worry that a prince charming like you can be snatched away from me. So I better hold you tight.

Arhaan did I ever tell you, having you in my life is a dream come true?

Would you mind, if I ask you to please fulfil my other dream of becoming your wife in a real sense?

I guess I am being too pushy even in my thoughts, but don't worry. Take your time. I will wait forever for you to accept me. And I promise you will live in my heart until this heart breathes its last."

After an hour, sleeping beauty woke up from her sleep and found herself in her prince's arms.

She blinked her eyes several times and pulled herself away from his embrace.

"Ah...umm....I, I called you but you were fast asleep and wouldn't wake up no matter how many times I called. So, I just thought to carry you to your room" - Arhaan explained the situation with uneasiness.

"Oh, I'm, I am sorry. I didn't know how....wait, where's Afzah? I asked her to wake me up, but....!"

She went inside long back waiting for you when you didn't wake up.

Sarat pinched her mouth with her hands, and noticed, her face was uncovered. "Oops", like a storm she dragged the black veil over her face out of shyness and asked, "Ya Allah, how long have I been sleeping?"

He concealed his laugh with a cough and whispered, "Silly!"

"Hmmm? Did you say something?"

"No, come out if you are sober. Everyone is waiting for us."

She nodded her head with blush and in an embarrassment she repeated "Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, coming."

Getting down from the car, she walked through the corridor and he followed her.

- To be continued -
       In sha Allah

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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