The Plan

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It's been two days since my bracelet broke. They will be sending someone soon, I know it.
Cole and Lloyd both look at me like they are in love and they always help me even though I can handle it myself. I even threatened them.;3
"Goodnight!" Everyone said.
"Night!" I said.
The lights went dim as I heard soft snores and one big one. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

In The Morning...

I woke up in the morning and felt strange,mostly in my back area. I walked into the kitchen and sat down. Everyone sat around the table with wu holding a paper. "Morning,guys!" As I let out a yawn." Morning,Shebrine." Cole said as he looked away from wu. "What's that?" I asked as I gestured to the paper. "Some sort of spell or something." Kai said in a worried tone. I looked at them in a confused way." Let me see." I said as I reached towards the paper. I grabbed it out of wu's hands and began to read.
Letter Below
Dear Ninja,
Two of your member's have the symbol of the Saber's,A group of wild-human cats that lived long ago. They will turn into one at sunset. The spell to turn them back is below. You better hurry.
Gojsn jabd jsgdj fah gakd jahdj bskak ndkdh foge bajk jsj

I didn't read the spell aloud but I read the letter aloud.
"Who is it?"
"They may be sitting right here."
"We better find out who did this."
I passed the letter to Jay who said he will read it for himself. "Gojsh,jabd?" Jay began to say the spell. I felt jabbing pain was sent into my back and fell off my chair. I looked over and found Cole on the ground too." STOP!!!!" Cole yelled as he got up. I looked at his eyes, they glowed fire red and his teeth sharpened alittle.
Cole fell back to the floor this time he passed out and not soon after I did too.
My eyes snapped open as I found myself on my bed. Was it a dream? I asked myself. I got out of my bed and heard some screams. I dashed out of my bed and saw Jay standing on the table with cole on all fours growing at him." Go! Go! SHOO!" Jay said as he fanned Cole with paper plate.(Yeah I can imagine that xD)I ran into action and pushed Cole over. He fell to his side and laid there. I helped Jay off the table." What happened?" I asked him." Well umm, I kinda read some of the spell,again.." Jay said as he hung his head low."What! Why!" I yelled at him." I thought if I can read it again it will help him tirn back because," He pointed to Cole." His teeth were being to sharpen and I think he was growing ears. Also his eyes were a bright red and wouldn't turn back." H point his hand at Colejust as he woke up. "Cole!" I said as I ran to him." Are you alright?" Cole looked at me and said"Yeah I'm fine,Just a little dizzy."
I helped him up and he held his head. I helped him to his room. I laid him down in his bed. I closed the door behind me and heard a knock. "I'll get it." I yelled when I heard 'metal-man' running down the hall. I walked to the door and opened it. There,in front of me,stood three cat people. They held a bag and put it over my head. I then saw one of them sneak in and put a bag over Cole's head too. We both tried to fight it but some-sort-of chemical made us go to sleep.

Two hours later...
I woke up and found Cole in my face. He was still asleep,which was good. I struggled and found out I was tied to a bed that was st slanted enough so that me and Cole can look eyes to eye. I gotta say,Cole is kinda cute when he sleeps.. wait like..him.
(By Him I don't mean Cole.)
Cole's eyes suddenly snapped open. "What?" Cole asked." What?" I said trying not to look at him." Where are we?" He asked as the tables flipped over and a bright light shined in my eyes.
"A girl?"
"Are you sure they are sabers?"
"Positive, Tiger's Roar."
I heard tones of voices but evrything was a mear shadow. The tables were pulled up and I could see the figures more clearly. They were tiger people with big fangs hanging out of their mouths with long whiskers. "Who are you?" One tiger asked as he pulled on Cole's shirt. Cole paused for a second, looked at me, the looked back." I'm Cole and this is Shebrine." Cole said as he looked at me. I waved at the tiger guy and gave him a fake smile. He dropped Cole and walked over to me. He studied me carefully and told another tiger ,who has a white tail, to study Cole.
He looked at my back and then said." The mark of the Sabers!!!" All the rest of the tigers cheered the other tiger,who was checking cole,said the same thing. A felmale tiger with a blue streak run through her hair came up to me and Cole." Yens not around here are you?" She asked. The only person who I know that said Yens was my grandma and my uncle always made fun of her.( this is true.) I heard a snicker in the back but didn't know who it was. The same tiger that checked me came up and said" I am Tiger's Roar." Someone handed him a needle with a black solution in it. Cole looked at it.
He must be scared of needles. I thought.
He first jabbed the neddle in my arm and did,with the same needle,jabbed Cole. Cole almosted screamed and I almosted laughed. But my laughter was cut off when a pain ran through my vains. I couldn't help it. My eyes glowed and lighting formed in my hands. Cole shaked the ground alittle but that was all that happened." They're Cursed!!" One tiger said. Tiger's Roar looked at us both. My eyes stopped glowing and my lighting went away. He grabbed another needle and stuck it in both of our arms again. I passed out and the last words I heard was"This should speed up the process."

Sometime later...

I woke up and found my self on the couch with cole laying next to me. He woke up as well. "Huh?" He said as he let out a yawn. He stretched and put his arm around me. He took them away and said"Whoa sorry,She." The lights suddenly turned on. "Oooooo,Cole." Three of the guys said as they made kissy faces." Shut up." Cole said as he chased after them. I blushed alittle and pulled back my hair.
"You like him,don't you?" Said a voice. I looked behind me and saw Zane." Uh.. no..I mean.. yes." I said as I felt my cheeks get very hot." It's ok," Zane said as he plopped down next to me." I won't tell. The truth is, Cole likes you too. Trust me I hear him mumble your name when he sleeps." That made me blush even harder.


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