That Jerk

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Athena and I were walking to school together, books in hand. Usually we'd hang out alone; no one bothering us, us not bothering anyone. For some reason though, I felt that it was gonna be different.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I realized we've entered the school.

Athena suddenly stopped and looked around confused. I looked at her then looked in front of us, and saw the playboys staring at her like she was some sort of snack.

Yup, I knew today was gonna be different. I thought to myself.

The boys started smiling at her. Totally ignoring me. Which I found rude, you NEVER ignore a woman. Clearly they didn't know manners, did their moms never tell them how to treat a woman?? 

Athena started growing anxious and speed walked away, then she crashed into a locker. I ran over to her, hopefully she's not dead. 

"Are you okay??" I asked in a panicked voice. 

She groaned and looked at me. "What an entrance I just made. This is so embarrassing!" 

I smiled and picked up her books, placing it in her hands. 

"Yeah well, you can blame them. This is the first time they've noticed you in like what, 2 years?" I questioned her. 

She looked at me shocked. "Me?! They were staring at me?! I thought they were staring at you!" 

I looked at her sharing the same expression. "Why did you get all flustered and run away then?" 

She just sighed and shook her head.  

Okay then, don't answer my question... rude.

We started walking to class, until I heard the boys speaking. Which Athena didn't notice, she seemed to zone out. I stayed at a close range so I could hear them, pretending to read my books so I didn't seem suspicious.

"Seriously, her? The nerd?" The white-haired one asked in a bored tone. 

"Well... she is cute. But are you sure she should be our new target? She looks too innocent." The black haired one with the accent spoke. 

The one with an undercut replied to them. "Hell yeah! I'm gonna make her fall in love with me, and win the bet. Get your 10 million dollars ready, fuckers!" He yelled making finger guns at the two. 

"We'll see about that." The white haired one spoke again.

I was frozen in place. They were making a bet...on her?! What kind of sick prank was this?! 

I looked at the three and realized the white-haired one was glaring at me. Uh-oh. He probably noticed I overheard their conversation. I quickly rushed to the bathroom to get my thoughts straight.

Okay... so they were making a bet to see who can win Athena's heart and the winner got 10 million dollars. Poor Athena, she didn't deserve this! 

I'm once again snapped out of my thoughts by the bell ringing, signaling there's only 2 minutes until first period begins. Walking out the bathroom, I noticed the white-haired guy is waiting outside of the bathroom... weirdo. He noticed me and walked over. I tried walking away, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"What's your problem?!" I sneered, yanking his hand off of me. I turned around to face him. He just kept staring... does this guy have a staring problem or something? I thought. I turned my heels to walk off, but he finally spoke. I'm so surprised, he can speak!?! I'm flabbergasted.

"You overheard our conversation, right?" He asked. 

Yup... knew it. I should've just minded my business, and go to class. But no. I decided to be nosy and eavesdrop. 

I turned back around and glared at him. "Yeah, you guys are real jerks for that, y'know? Athena doesn't deserve that."

He looked at me confused. "Who's Athena?" 

Y/N.exe has stopped working...





He doesn't know her name?!

I glares at him harder. "You don't even know her name?! The girl you're planning to play with is named Athena!" He just shrugged. That jerk...

"I don't care if you overheard or not, but you can't tell her. It'll do you no good. After I win the bet, we'll all leave her alone. It'll take 2 to 3 days at max, she'll survive. And if you do tell her,  you can say bye to your life here. I'll make sure to leave you broke if you ever tell her what we're planning to do, got that?" He gave me one last frown then walked off.

I stared at his back as he walked off to class. Was that...a threat? Did he threaten to make me and my family poor?!

I sighed. Athena would have to figure it out on her own. She's smart, though. I was sure she'd figure it out in no time.

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