Chapter I

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Frankie's POV
People think I am your average bitch. I guess you could say I am a bitch, but I am not average. My family is all one big dark secret. A few murders here and there and enough threats for me to keep my mouth shut. I tried speaking up once, and that ended in the death of my brother. The limo comes to a stop in front of my new school, St. Xavier Academy in Birmingham, England. My parents have sent me to countless of different boarding schools across the U.S. but I guess this time they thought sending me to a different continent would be a good idea. This school will surely not be much different from all the other ones I have been to; fake friends, fake people and a fake school over all. I flatten out my designer skirt, that most likely could feed a family of four for a month, and step out of the limo. I look up in awe. The school's layout resembles a castle. It reminds me of a fairytale. There is one main structure and smaller ones dotted throughout the campus. The campus at St. Xavier is the biggest of all the schools I have been at. I feel people staring immediately as I pick up my bag to carry to my room, while the rest are being shipped to the school. I walk up the steps to the main building of the school with my chin held high. I open one of the double doors and I walk in. There is someone inside that immediately greets me. "Hello, my name is Victor Crawford and I will be your guide for toady."
I shook his out stretched hand. Victor was to scrawny, had a sharp nose, thin lips, a to long face, was shaking and seemed to have a twitching problem.
"If you ever need anything I will be your go-to-guy."
He pointed his two thumbs to his chest and gave me a nervous smile. I didn't smile back, but instead inspected my nails and managed to look gloriously bored. "My name is Francesca but please call me Frankie, the name Francesca bores me to death."
"Alright then, Frankie," he says. "Here is a map of the school and I can give you a tour, if you would like."
I take the map.
"No, I don't think that will be necessary."
The smile left his face when I turned down his offer but I wasn't about to spend the night with a boy who has probably never had a drink before in his life.
"Okay, but here's your room number and class schedule; maybe we can talk later?"
"Trust me," I say to him. "You don't want to be my friend."
Before he could say anything, I turned and walked away. As I was walking out the doors of the main building I opened the map of the school. The dorms were to the left and a short walking distance.


My room was on the third floor and was smaller than my closet back home. At least I had my own room. I don't think I could have handled a roommate without ripping apart half the room. It had two dressers, one big, one small, a desk with a chair, a twin bed and a bathroom with a shower, sink, toilet, and a tiny mirror. I suppose I will have to make do with what I have. I unpack what I have with me. At my previous schools, I have learned that I could not bring my whole wardrobe because not even a fourth of it would fit properly, so I could only bring so much. I walked into the bathroom and examined myself in the mirror. I know that I am insanely attractive. I have dark red maroon hair and dark green eyes. I have been told I have a model's body, but the only thing I lack is height. I am not horribly short, although, I am 5'2". I prepared to pass out on my bed when someone knocked on my door. I checked my clock; it is only 8:00pm, but I am extremely exhausted from the flight. I decided to ignore whoever was at the door. They knocked again and I ignored them again. They continued to knock and it took all of myself control to not scream as I get up and answer the door. "Why can't you people let a girl get some damn sleep after a 12 hour flight." I only now realized who I was yelling at, the dean of students. At least that is what was written on the top of the clip board she was carrying. She is in her early 50s, overweight, she has two enormous moles on her face, her clothes are two sizes two small and her hair was so greasy it looked like it had been months since it was last washed. Her mouth was in an 0 shape, I guess she wasn't used to being scolded by students. Not that I cared what she thought or did about it. Once she recovered from what I had said to her she spoke.
"Miss Morgan I am guessing you are the American."
"Yes," I rolled my eyes.
"Well you will learn to properly address adults. You may call me Ms. Halter and you are also to never curse or yell at anyone in such a way as you just did again in my school. Is that understood Miss Morgan?"
By now everyone was in the hall way watching. "I'm sorry," I say. "I didn't realize that you owned the school." She pulled out a slip from under the ridiculous clip board she felt the need to bring with her. She scribbled her signature and handed the slip to me. A detention, she had just handed me a detention. "Mrs. Halter you have really out done your self this time. I mean at my former school it took them a full day to give me my first detention. Can you believe that? A full day, but you, Mrs. Halter, are just on top of things and you get stuff done," I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm.
"I hope that you learn some respect this Friday and maybe someday you will thank me."
"Oh I am most grateful. I think I am going to get this framed." I hold up the slip and pretend to examine it. " What do you think, should I hang it on the wall or put it standing up on the desk."
"Again I hope you learn your lesson. Now I originally came here to insure that you are settled in and that there were no complications."
She pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to me.
"These are the times when the dinning hall is open and at the bottom is the curfew for the week days and weekends. Because of you, I am now off schedule. Good night Miss Morgan."
I didn't respond, and slammed my door as hard as I could. I threw my detention slip on the desk and pass out on my bed.

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