~Chapter One~

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I sat up with no hesitation, no matter how tired my muscles where, are or will be, I don't want my head to hit that pillow, or any pillow any more, what awaits me when i close my eyes is too much to bare. As I sat, head in hands I couldn't help but whimper. My lack of sleep is getting ridiculous now, 6 days with only the maximum of 4 hours sleep, I do not usually keep a record because why would I? My mothers concerned, not me. I grunted and just sat there, in the middle of my mattress my covers jumbled everywhere, my legs caught in the grip they had on me, I looked over at my alarm clock and grunted once more "Oh fookin' great, a record, 2 hours sleep, well done Chris pat on ze fookin back!" I always spoke to my self like I would any one else, I mean, 'treat others how you would like to be treated', right? Treat me like shit, I'm no good person, but any way, oh what the- I should probably stop writing in this diary right now, my mothers calling. 

                                                Au Revoir Meilleur Ami~

Christophe placed his diary down under his bed, he got up and stretched "CHRISTOPHE! sors du lit!" he heard his mother scream at literally the top of her lungs "fookin'--mother!!shut up please!" he screamed back just as loud, as he heard foot steps come storming up the stairs "Christophe! you knew we had to be at the Ryder house at 9:30am...its now 9:25 and we have a while to walk, well now run, now get dressed! QUICK!!" she then scampered out her heels hitting off the floor as she went and she slammed Christophe's door making him jolt in shock. Chris groaned and got dressed into his normal attire, any old jeans he could find, usually ripped or scruffed up, his light grey tee-shirt , his dark green jacket and lastly his ankle boots he got from his cousin who was previously in the army before losing his sight from an explosive accident. Once ready Chris walked down the stairs and looked up at his mother, not a long way up, his mother was a short stubby thing, while Chris took after his father a tall lanky kid, he doesn't know his father, but he's saw photo's . His mother shot him a look of disappointment then away and shoo'd Chris out of the door following behind and locking the door "quick Chris! to the elevators"  she said and they both walked, well sorta ran, to the elevators, once they where out of them Chris' mother dragged Chris behind her as she ran to her destination with no seconds to spare, as she rang the door bell and was greeted by a butler, wearing a smart tuxedo and everything else he should be, when he answered he had his nose turned upward to them and his eyes closes a monocle on one, he cleared his throat and then spoke in an obviously put on french accent "oui?~" Chris' mother and the butler talked for a while before the butler stood as side and the two where allowed to proceed into the vast house, it looked like the president should live there . Chris' mother was greeted by a tall, long legged man, with dark blonde, curly hair of which was gelled back, his eyes bright green-blue, and he was wearing dress pants and a white dress shirt, which was tucked in, along with his little get up he had a red tie around his neck, everything he wore was perfect and nothing was out of place. Beside him stood a slightly shorter yet still tall woman, she had long bright blonde hair which was also curly, her eyes where a rather piercing shade of baby blue, she wore a pale pink lip stick and a ton of make up on her eyes and face, she stood with her weight pushed onto one hip, her black sheath/column dress stuck tight to her skin, showing any and all of her curves. After a while christophe was snapped out of his thoughts by the man of the house saying a simple "and the boy doesn't come in" Chris looked up at his mother expecting her to protest but instead all her heard "oh oui, oui he can go do something else" He just stood there, he hated his mother and knew she hated him but really, pushing her own son as side just to become some maid. wow, desperate. As the three adults made their way into the large office or study room (Chris didn't really pay attention) that Christophe guessed was a private room, the butler came to Chris' side and placed a hand on his shoulder "I will esscort you to you young master Gregorys room" with that the man made his way up the first of many flights of stairs, Chris groaned and followed behind, 'Gregory' chris repeated in his head and Chris didnt like the sound of it, but with no protest he followed until the two came to a white door of which the butler knocked on it gently with his knuckle "young master Gregory? you have company." he spoke and a moment after the third blonde of the day opened the door "yes?" he spoke in his extremly british accent, neither one of his parents had this accent, so why did he? Christophe shrugged as the butler pointed at the brunette "his parent is here for the meeting, remember, he must stay with you until its over, understood?" with that the blonde smiled and laughed "understood Claudious, you are excused." The butler nodded and walked off down the many flights of stairs him and Chris had previously came from. The blonde smiled at Chris and put out a hand for a hand shake, which of course Chris stared at before he shook it "my name is Gregory.A.Ryder...and you are?" Chris pulled a face and spoke up in his strong accent "Christophe Aimé DeLorne" They soon let go of each others hands "come on in~" Gregory moved as side and allowed Christophe to enter his room, once inside Christophe just looked around and stood in one place then muttered under his breath "merde!"

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